My whole body tenses up at the thought of Lacey dying. My Lacey dying. Her eyes flutter closed and her body becomes completely limp. But I don't miss the sight of her chest slowly rise and fall before we are all dragged to one of the cars, we are shoved in the boot after having our hands tied behind out backs.

'She- omg she's dead' Connor gasps quietly before a small sob leave his lips

'No no she isn't, she was still breathing. We just have to hope Joe gets there in time. Or that the driver works up the courage to get off the bus to help her'

I'm not sure how long it was that we were driving before we are being dragged from the boot and shoved towards what looks to be a small cottage house. As we reach inside we are met with a girl stood smiling happily at us.

'T-terri?' I hear Tristan gasp 'what the hell?'

'Oh baby, I'm sorry I had to take you this way but after your dinner rejection I just had to. You know I changed my whole look for you boys and got a job working with you but still you never noticed me. Tristan only knew me because he asked me for water. Do you know how much that hurts? But it's okay because your here now, your mine and your never leaving' I shiver at her words feeling disgusted

I feel a shove to my back and tumble into James. We both hit the floor with a thump. It's the last thing that happens before everything goes black.

*Lacey's POV*

My whole body aches as I try to slowly move, I only manage to shift slightly before I feel a familiar pain radiate through my body. I decide it would be best to stay as still as possible. My eyes felt heavy and I couldn't seem to even try and open them. I could hear some shuffling from around me making my head twitch slightly.

'Cece, we need you to wake up. Please please wake up' Brody? it sounded like Brody. Where am I? Well if Brody is here I am guessing I am either still on the floor or in a hospital.

My eye flutter slightly but they don't seem to open completely not until I feel a hand grip mine and give it a squeeze. My eyes open slowly, everything is blurred and bright as I try to see where I am and who it is that's with me. I close and open my eyes for a few moments before I open them and my sight is completely clear.

'Lacey. Omg your okay, your okay.' I hear Brody's voice and when I look to my left he is sat holding my hand tightly with tears welling up in his eyes. I cough roughly as I go to speak. I hear some rushing about before the bed I am laid on begins to move and before I know it I am sat up with the bed supporting me and a glass of water held out in front of me.

I gently take a mouthful and swallow feeling a soreness in my throat but I ignore that as well as all the other pain I am feeling. I look to the hand holding my glass of water to see it is Joe. He looks at me with such sympathy and pain in his eyes.

'Joe' I croak out, my voice raw 'The boys'

'I know Lacey, We have people looking for them. Don't worry, just rest okay.'

I go to protest but there is no time as the doctor walks into the room and instantly I see his eyes widen as he takes in my sitting position.

'Oh Miss Keating- you aren't supposed to be awake for another few days' He pauses briefly as he looks to his paperwork in his hand 'Okay so your injuries that we have identified are actually a lot. You have dislocated your wrist again and so it will take longer to heal- you will have to continue with what you were doing for about 8 weeks. Okay severe concussion which may cause you loss of consciousness, drowsiness, loss of balance, slurred speech, loss of memory and many other things but I am sure you will be fine under supervision. The cut to your neck isn't deep enough to do any long lasting damage however the healing process is very important. It can not get infected under any circumstances. It may scar but I am sure there will be some creams that can fade it. Obviously you know about the bruising and scrapes over your body. They will all fade and heal if proper care is taken. Okay you also have 5 broken ribs which I am sure you know and you also know what pain they can cause and how to help the healing of them as we have counted that you have broken all of your ribs during your life. You have to be very careful in your condition. A lot of care is needed'

I listen to everything he has said although I had already known everything he had said. 'When can I be discharged?'

His eyes widen comically as he chokes on air 'Miss you can not step foot out of this hospital for at least another 24 hours'

'You can not keep me here if I don't want to stay here. I want to be discharged and I want that right now' My voice is stern as I glare down at the doctor. He stays staring for a few moments before sighing and telling me that he would have the nurse sort the papers for me.

As he leaves I look towards Brody and Joe who have been stood watching in concern. 'Pass me my phone or your laptop please. It's time I find the boys.'

They look hesitant before Joe gives up and passes me his laptop. It doesn't take me long to access what I need and find where the boys are. I knew I was right to put a tracker in James. Relief runs over me at the fact that as soon as I am discharged, I can get my boys back.

My eyes search over the information the laptop is offering me and I make sure I read it a few times so that I am sure I memorise it all before I slam shut the laptop. Just in time for the nurse to come in with the paper work.

'Here are your discharge papers. Just need you to sign them.I hope you know that you aren't suppose to be leaving. I doubt you could even walk' the nurse stands with her hands upon her hips staring in disappointment at me.

I raise an eyebrow at her, knowing fully well that I could stand. I have endured this kind of pain all my life this is something I am used to. I shift before swinging my legs over the side and for the first time seeing the bruised state of me. It makes me shudder slightly before I lower my self to the floor. Standing before them all I walk forward towards the papers taking the pen from her hand and signing the papers.

'You was saying?' I say cockily 'Now if you don't mind I need to change' I nod towards the door and she gets the hint quickly scurrying out of the room. When I turn around Brody is stood handing me some clothes and a phone.

I walk towards the bathroom quickly getting changed before using the phone to call Molly who I know will be worried beyond belief.

(Molly normal. Lacey italic)

'Hi Molly,-'

'Omg omg omg are you okay? are the boys okay? have you found them yet? what is going on?'

'I am fine, couple of scrapes and bruises. The boys were taken but I am going to get them right now. I promise I will get them and they will be okay'

'Oh Lacey, okay I believe in you. Go get our boys girl. And come home safe'

I smile as I hang up and take one final glance at my face before I am walking from the bathroom to face Joe and Brody. They both stop talking and look up at me 'Lets go and get the boys back aye'

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