Ragnar is Wren's father, a man who I have never been fond of. Always on the case of sorcerers and humans, always wanting us to be safe here, always voicing out his dumb opinions about the danger of humans.

He is somehow like Conall, the only difference is that he is softer and kinder, but as passionate as Conall is about the pure race and sorcerers. He has always despised me, or isn't very fond of me, and coming to think of it now, it's probably because he knows that I'm not a pure sorcerer.

"Who 'we'? How many people are agreeing to this?" I question, feeling myself getting overwhelmed with this.

"Just the royals." He answers casually.

Then it hits me. "You're not going to let the people know, are you? You are going to do it without even seeing what will we think about it? What kind of bullshit is that?" I yell.

"Lower your voice," He demands, eyes hard. "The decision has been made, and they will start tomorrow. End of discussion."

I immediately turn to my mother. "Are you going to let this happen? You will throw away an old love, memories and my real father? Will you, mother?"

My father tenses as she swallows. "I have no say in this, Tallulah."

I laugh in disbelief. "You have no say in this? Alright then," I turn to my father. "Over my dead body will that happen."

Slamming the door of my room shut behind me, I let out a loud scream of anger, hurt, disbelief and fear. How is that possible? How can they just make such a decision like it isn't something major? How can they not turn to their people in this? Who the fuck do they think they are?

It is all Ragnar's fault. It's his fault, and I have this urge inside me to go to his house right now, and set him on fire without a care in the world. Fucking asshole. How will Wren react when she knows? I'm not going to keep this shit to myself, hell, I will tell every single person who passes in my way.

I will turn them all against the royals, start a fight and a revolution in this village of eleven thousand. I already have so many people having my back, and we are all preparing to end this hustle.

Tugging at the roots of my hair frantically, I curse. This is big, bigger than I thought it would be. It might seem easy, but doing it is way hard. I thought that maybe, just maybe, I can convince them and let them see the other world from my perspective, but it will take more than that.

Again, freedom isn't cheap, and to achieve it, we have to lose and sacrifice many precious things. I just hope that on our way to achieve our freedom, we don't lose a soul. But I know, deep down, that it's inevitable.

I change into my pyjamas quickly and hop on my bed, ready to get some rest even though my mind shall never have it. The thoughts are running wild in my mind, thoughts of what to do and how to act, what to say to Louis.

Everything at last comes back to him, even if I don't want it to.

By the time I wake up, it's eight—thirty, meaning that I slept for three hours, which is really good. Stretching my body on the bed, I yawn out of tiredness and head to the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth and hair and washing my face.

My mother is seated next to Cronan on the couch as she studies for him, father is nowhere around. I ask, "Where is father?"

"At work." Mother answers, not looking at me.

They must be talking about the wall, and I have to know what they are planning to do. Nodding, I quietly say, "I'm going out with Esme and Wren, I'll come back later."

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