"Don't worry I'm used to that." I sighed and looked at Tom and my eyes landed on the bottles he was holding. "I guess that could help." Smiling and hoping everything will be okay after this stupid night.

"I supposed you ladies would like to have some beer?" Tom placed the bottles on the table and I instantly grabbed one.

"Yeah, I need one tonight. Or probably two."

"Or three." Tom responded.

"Or more than three and four." I continued.

"Ehem, be careful with that. You ain't friends with those." She cleared her throat as she pointed her finger at me.

When we were in our junior year in high school we went to this house party which everyone in our age were all curious about alcohol, cigarettes, sex, and worst, drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy and other illegal things that they used to have fun. And that was my first time to witness the actual shit of being a youth. I met this guy named Andrew Johnson who was known to be one of the most popular soccer player in campus, he was gorgeous, rich and a lot of girls were cheering and giggling especially when he plays or just simply passed them. No doubt they've got their panties wet all the time Andrew passes.

Me and Chrissy were dancing our sweats out, raising our glasses and totally enjoying the party. And a moment later, I noticed someone's eyes were locked at me and then I realized it was Andrew. He walked towards me and started introducing himself to me as if we just met even though we totally knew each other since freshman year but never had a chance to talk because who am I to be noticed by someone like Andrew Johnson? Well I admitted he was hot and really attractive.

"Hey, I'm Andrew." He smiled. Damn those blue eyes all locked at me.

"Uh, I know who you are. I'm An-"

"Anna. Yeah, I do know you too. Its just we didn't talk that much. So are you enjoying the night?" He laughed.

I was really fascinated by the way he looked at me. "Yes, its such great night." I smiled shyly. Well most people would say that.

We talked all night, laughing and I didn't noticed that I've been drinking a lot and everything. Andrew's arms were wrapped around me as we danced together with the crowd, I also forgot about Chrissy which I think was also enjoying herself with some bunch of guys dancing and flirting with her. And when things got really insane and everything around me turned pitch black, my system dropped down and I'm cold as dead. I heard people talking and holding me as I tried to balanced myself in which it was impossible to do.

"Anna! Anna!" A female voice shouted in panic.

"I got her, Chrissy. Go with my brother and he'll drive you home."


"Cheers to the freaking life!" I raised my glass and forced my eyes to focused on everything thats happening.


We clicked our glasses together and drank our shots not minding anything but the vodka flowing through our throats and letting the spirit of alcohol possessed us, it fizzed on my tongue and chased it, the taste was dark, heady and warm. It was freaking delicious. And I started to feel numb and dizzy which made me smile because its the only thing I wanted to feel right now.

To feel numb. To feel nothing.

The thought of not hearing anything from Mason the entire freaking day bothered me. But then a lot of thoughts came to my mind and started to irritate me like maybe to him I was just another conquest. A shiny toy that was easy to get. It hurts like hell but good thing the alcohol cooperated very well for numbing my body. But just my body. Not my heart which was still bleeding like a fresh wound thats been stab by a knife a thousands of times. Maybe millions.

"Hey, baby. C'mon I'll carry you to your room." Tom said while lifting Chrissy by his broad shoulders.

"Ughhh, I need to go to the bathroom.....uhhh, where is Anna?"

"Shes drunk. But don't worry I'll take care of her after I clean you up, you spilled your drink all over your clothes babe."

Tom carried Chrissy and immediately headed up to her room, closed the door and the sound of the shower went on. I started moving my head while trying to open my eyes but it was freaking hard like I'm in comatose. My stomach felt sick and the need of throwing up was the first thing that came into my mind, holy crap I can't vomit here. I need to go to the bathroom, but how? I'm so damn dizzy and my body wasn't responding. I can't even focus my eyes on anything.

"Are you awake?" A voice appeared behind the couch and when it got clearer, I realized it was Tom and I was glad he took care of Chrissy.

I tried to open my eyes again and these time, I saw a light.


I squeezed my eyes and slowly moved my body up so I can sit on the couch. "Uh, yeah. What happened? Ughh, I need to go to the bathroom." I covered my mouth as I felt my stomach began to excruciate.

"C'mon I'll help you."

Tom lifted me and helped me got up so I can stand on the floor, his arms were around me to balance and helped me walked to my room. He slowly opened the door and touched the walls to find the switch. When the lights are on, my eyes were burning as the light entered my system, we walked straight to my bathroom and Tom was still helping me walk as if I was injured, I opened the toilet and faced the bowl together with my hands on the side. I took a deep breath then my stomach started to grumble again and I began puking so hard, letting all the things I ate out together with the alcohol and crap things inside. As if it would work once I'm done. Damn.

"Here, drink this. You will feel better."

Tom handed me a water with a medicine in which I don't give a damn whatever it was so I simply took and swallowed it. He also gave me my clean clothes and not minding that he explored my closet because I was too tired and all I did was nod and smile at him.

Okay I'm really drunk. "Is it okay if I'll shower you? I promise I won't look." He said.

What! He can't do that! This is crazy.

"Uh, I don't think that'll be okay. I'll just shower tomorrow, I really need to get some sleep. Thanks Tom."

He nodded and went out of my room as I listened to every sound I can hear. I ran the cold water and washed my face. I wanted to take a shower, but I didn't know if I have the energy. Suddenly I was very, very tired again. I tossed my clean clothes on the floor and threw myself onto my bed and it felt really good. Rubbing my face against the mattress and searched for my pillows and tucked them under my head. I thought that once I wrapped myself with my blanket and felt the warmness of it I could easily fall asleep but I was wrong.

I shook my head, but that didn't help. I turned off the light and put my phone on, turning up a soft music thinking that it could cradle me to sleep. But then again, it didn't. It started to piss me off so I looked for something that could really calm my nerves and put me to sleep because literally my whole body was aching and I felt a lil bit dizzy but thanks to the medicine Tom gave me that helped me get a bit sober but instead turned me into some kind of a vampire who can't sleep.

Great. Just great.

When I finally got tired of scanning for music I just pressed shuffle and tossed my phone beside me. And as I waited for the music, a familiar tune started to play.

Damn. That song was Clarity. It was the first song me and Mason played in his car. My chest tightened and I closed my eyes and started singing the first stanza and something punched me to the chest, each words were like a bullet to my soul. Tears bursted and my whole world shattered into pieces that cannot be picked up. I realized that you can never feel the real meaning of music without experiencing the reality of it.

"If our love is tragedy

Why are you, my remedy?

If our love's insanity

Why are you, my clarity?" I cried.

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