Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


            I stared in disbelief as Sophia shut the door. Sure, forgetting to take out the crayon wrappers and tape would have been smart, but even then I didn’t think she’d notice. Hell I didn’t even think she would connect me to it. I’ve been caught many times before but usually babysitters are panicking and freaking out so much that they don’t find the reason why things happened, all they worry about is how to fix them.

            I set my electric guitar down and stood up. I was frowning, Sophia seemed like the kind of girl who would break down easily, but there she was, stealing the last laugh for tonight. I rubbed the back of my neck; I would need to step it up if I wanted her gone. I began to think.

Do I need just multiple small pranks, or one big event, something she can’t get over, something that will drive her out? How about both?

My frown twists into a smile.  Crayons in the dryer were just a warm up for the real thing. Sophia can have the last laugh tonight, but she won’t be laughing soon.


I was leaning against Emma’s bedroom room, pleading with her to open the door. “Emma please, I can’t apologize through a door.” I press my forehead against the door, my hand on the cold brass knob.

“Sure you can.” Emma’s reply was brisk. I could hear the tears in her voice and a wave of guilt washed over me. No, you can’t feel guilty; this isn’t even your fault! It was all Carter’s fault.

My grip on the doorknob tightened and I spoke softly. “Emma I’m so sorry, there was no way I could have known the crayons were in there. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll buy you a new dress.”

I wait for a moment and my mood picks up when I hear shuffling and soft footsteps. The knob in my hand turns and I look down to see a red eyes Emma staring up at me. “What kind of dress?” Emma’s voice picked up, in a curious tone.

I kneeled down so I was at her eye level and I smile warmly, “The most beautiful princess dress that I can find. Something that you could wear to a ball, a tea party, and even on family get together. That way you don’t have to wear the silly one’s your Grandma picks out for you.” I wink and then hold my breath.

Emma fiddled with the doorknob, her eyes distant while she considers my proposal. With a sniffle her eyes meet mine and she smiles. “Okay, apology accepted.” She then threw her tiny arms around me and I can’t help but laugh lightly. I wrap my arms around her and grin.

With the older brother she has, Emma needs someone to look after her, and I knew that I had to be that person, just like I told Carter. Emma was a special little girl and she shouldn’t have someone who was so greedy that they’d ruin her stuff just for his own personal gain.

An hour later I had Emma tucked in bed and I was in the living room watching TV and waiting for Kathy to return home. I heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and I sat up a little taller and I narrowed my eyes.

“Coming to sabotage the TV?” I ask as Carter came into view. He chuckled lightly, but not in a friendly way before speaking, “Don’t give me any ideas doll face, just getting something to eat.”

I cross my arms and scoff. “Maybe you wouldn’t be so hungry if you actually came down when I have dinner ready.” I arch an eyebrow at him, waiting for a reply.

Carter grabs a leftover container and shuts the fridge door and he glances at me, “Maybe you wouldn’t be so annoying if you pulled that stick out of your ass.” He smirks and turns to head upstairs.

I’m about to shoot back a nasty response when the front door opens up and Kathy walks in. Carter turns to face his mother and I rise to my feet.

“Oh, Carter, you’re out of your room? What a pleasant surprise,” Kathy’s face warms up lightly. I turn my attention to Carter who shrugs.

“Just getting some food, so I won’t be out long.” He rolls his eyes and makes his way slowly up the stairs. Kathy sighs and looks at me. “So how did tonight work out?” She asked as she kicked off her heels and fished her purse for the fifty dollars.

From the top of the staircase Carter yells out, “Sophia ruined Emma’s ‘special’ dress.” He shoots a smug smile at me as Kathy turns to look at me with wide eyes.

My face grows hot but not from embarrassment, but an idea forms in my head on the spot. “Yeah, I’m really sorry about that. Emma spilled grape juice on it so I washed and dried the dress, but I had no idea that there were crayons in the dress pockets. It was an honest mistake and I promised Emma I would buy her a new one.” I smile apologetically and glance at Carter’s astonished expression.

I’m not about to give him the satisfaction, why not leave him guessing my moves?

Kathy blinks a couple of times and nods. “Oh well if it was just an accident,” she shoots a look at Carter before continuing. “Then it’s alright. Here is your money, thank you so much for babysitting.” Kathy smiles at me tiredly.

As I take the money I pipe in, “No really, it was just an accident.” I knew she was suspicious, she had every right too, but for this one time I needed her to believe that Carter had nothing to do with it. Carter was still standing at the top of the staircase watching the scene take place; the puzzled look on his face reassured me he had no idea why I was doing taking the fall instead of ratting on him.

Kathy looked at me, her eyes searching mine before sighing and shaking her head. “Okay, sorry, I’m just not use to things happening by accident, usually it’s someone’s doing.” She smiled and turns to head to her bedroom. I grab my car keys from the coffee table and open up the front door. Before I leave the house I take one last look at Carter who was still trying to figure me out.

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