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People tell you what to do, what to wear, who to like, how to behave. People put demands on you when all you really want to do is to be loved and accepted for who you are

---Malinda Fillingim


     I've always hated alarm clocks. They reminded me of the fact that I had another day to endure. I wanted to smash the clock into pieces as I stared at it. It was still making a racket. I rolled my eyes and got off my bed. The first place I went to was the kitchen. The smell of Granny's pancakes was just too tempting.

"Good morning", I said and kissed Granny on the cheeks.

"Rachel, did you just wake up?" Granny asked me.

"Maybe yes, maybe not", I replied.

"You know the first thing you should think of---"

"In the morning is how to live the day to the fullest", I finished for her.

Granny smiled at me, with her bright, green eyes. I stuffed some chocolate chip pancakes into my mouth, relishing that chocolatey taste.

"I couldn't resist. It was just too tempting", I told Granny.

"I'll take that as a compliment", Granny said.

"That's what it is". I said, rushing to the bathroom to start preparing for school.


It was 6:30am so there was not much traffic. Thank Goodness! I jumped into my red Porsche and headed for Westfield High School. My two best friends, Danie Washington and Leah Henderson were already waiting for me. Leah's totally fun to be around, plus she's great when it comes to gossipping. Like, she has all the latest news on everything and everyone. Danie's just a drama queen.

"Ugh ", Leah snorted when she saw Megan coming through the hallway. Her green messenger bag was slung across one shoulder. She was wearing a blue and red polka dotted blouse with blue jeans. She really needed some fashion advice.

"I know right, like that is so old-fashioned ", Danie said and rolled her eyes.

"She definetely got that outfit from Pockets R Us", I said. Megan didn't bother to come up with a witty reply, but quickly took her books out of her locker, which was next to mine.

"Why won't she say anything?" Leah asked me. I shrugged.

"Maybe she doesn't know what to say or doesn't want a fight", Danie answered.

Megan is just weird, I thought.

I checked my homework list. I always had to have my homework done even though it wasn't very necessary for me because teachers rarely cared about my grades. My grandmother was an active person in the PTA and gave a lot of funds to the school. So no teacher could mess with me.

"Did we have Geography homework? Ugh! I totally forgot all about it" , I said.

"Don't worry. I'll squeeze something out of Megan" , Danie said and Leah and I giggled. It was like a routine we went through almost everyday. If any of us couldn't do our homework or forgot about it, we would just let the geeks do it for us. Megan was standing a few meters away from our lockers, talking to her best friend Jayda.

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