The man at the coffee shop

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 I went to a local coffee shop, and ordered the usual. I sat down in my usual spot and started to enjoy my hot drink. I looked out the window and watched people run by, trying to dodge the rain as much as possible. Eventually the rain slowed down, and so did the people.

A man came into the shop. A man who caught my eye. He was a tall, lean man. He had sort of curly hair, and piercing green eyes. He stood in line, and my eyes watched his every move. I felt like I've seen this man before. In a dream, maybe? He was that good looking. He ordered his coffee, and he made his way over to the table that was next to me.

He pulled a book out and began to read it, as he sipped on his drink. I pulled my phone out and pretended like I was occupied. I got on Twitter and read through some of my mentions. I then felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see that man standing over me. 

"I don't mean to be a bother, but I was wondering if I could use your phone? I don't have one, and I need to make a quick call." He said. He had a heavy british accent.

I smiled. Should I trust him? Would he run off with my phone? Or would he actually use it, then give it back? I decided to take a risk, and give him my phone. He smiled as he took it. He then walked a few feet away from me. A minute later, he returned with my phone.

"Thank you, for letting me borrow your phone." He smiled, "I'm Tom Hiddleston, by the way."

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