Familiar Taste of Poison

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 This short story I wrote for my English class. We were supposed to write a paragraph.. But I decided to write a bit more. It is based off of Halestorm's music video for Familiar Taste of Poison. So, enjoy ;D

The first police officer arrived to the crime scene. He looked down at the once beautiful woman, who now laid face down in the fountain. A little later, a few more officers arrived along with the two detectives. Detective Niles and Cooper. They went inside the mansion to find any suspects to question. They first found a maid. They questioned her for about ten minutes. After they were finished, they moved on. They found a man, sitting in his study.

"Sir." Niles said.

The man looked up from his papers, "Who are you?"

Detective Cooper came into the room to aid detective Niles.

"I'm detective Cooper, this is detective Niles. We are here because someone called the police station. They claimed they saw a woman laying face down in that fountain out there. Did you know about this?"

The man shot out of his chair, "What?!" He panicked and looked out the window to see his deceased wife being pulled out of the fountain. He turned to the detectives, his eyes wide with terror, and his mouth agape. 

They sat the man down and started questioning him.

"What's your name?" Niles asked.

"Joe Storm." The man replied.

When the detectives were finished questioning Joe, they exchanged glances.

Later at the examination lab, detective Niles stood beside the table where the woman was placed. The entomologist, Dr. Smith, looked up at Niles.

"What's the story?" Niles asked.

"So far I haven't found any stab marks, or gun shot wounds, or any other kind of wounds. I'm still checking it all out."

"What was her name?"

"Elizabeth Hale, she was twenty four. She was also expecting." He pulled the sheet over her head, "Do you have an idea of who did this?"

"Yeah, the husband."

Smith shook his head, "I'll keep you updated when I find out more information."

Niles nodded his head, and left the room.

Later that afternoon, Niles went back to the mansion. He wanted to get Joe to confess that he killed Elizabeth. But how would he do that? He rung the bell, and a second later he was face to face with the husband, the killer. Or so he assumed.

Joe smiled, "Ah detective Niles. Please, come inside."

Niles stepped into the mansion and followed Joe to his study. They both took a seat.

"So, did you find out anything about my beloved wife?" Joe sighed, "I miss her dearly."

Niles quickly stood back up, "Cut the crap, I know you did it." He snapped.

"Why would I murder my wife? I loved her."

"Yeah, until you found out she was pregnant, with another man's baby."

Joe's face grew cold, "Any why do you think that I would kill my wife because of that?"

"Because you didn't want her to have the child, because it wasn't yours. But she refused to get an abortion. That made you angry, so you killed her."

"How did you even know the baby wasn't mine?"

"Entomologists work very well, sir." Niles glared at Joe.

Joe rolled his eyes, "Well, you have the story all wrong. I didn't kill her! Yeah, I am pissed that she cheated on me. But I didn't take my anger out on her!"

Niles got up in Joe's face, "I might be wrong, I might not. But when we get proof that you di it, I'm going to be there, standing on the other side of the cage, laughing at you."

"Jeez Niles, it's prison, not the zoo."

Niles glared at Joe, and then turned around and left.

The next day, Niles got out of bed and got dressed. He headed to the examination lab, to see if Dr. Smith found out how Elizabeth died.

"What's the news?" Niles asked.

"She was poisoned." Dr. Smith said as he washed his hands, "I also found alcohol in her system.. I think someone drugged her."

"Who though?"

"Ah, that's the thing. I looked close enough, and I found a short blonde hair on the back of her head. And you know, it couldn't have been her hair, because she has black hair."

"Joe has short blonde hair."

"It seems as though you were right about him being the killer."

"We can't let him get away."

The following day was Elizabeth's viewing. Family, friends, and neighbors stopped by to pay their respects. Elizabeth laid in the casket in the front room of the mansion. Joe walked up to the casket after everyone went into the living room. He looked down at his wife.

"I wouldn't spare your life. No matter how much you begged me. You cheated, so this is what you deserved." He said to her motionless body.

A second later, detective Niles and two cops came into the room.

"Joe Brilliant, you are under arrested for the murder of Elizabeth Hale." One of the cops said, as the other put cuffs around Joe's wrists, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." 

Both cops took Joe outside, while detective Niles stayed behind. He took one last look at Elizabeth, then he closed her casket and left.

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