Chapter 17 - Back To Normal

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It's been a couple of months since the coma, and things have gotten a lot better. There hasn't been many akuma attacks lately which is good, but strange. Adrien has a lot of photoshoots since its summer and I only see him at night usually. But that's okay, I still love him with all of my heart. Alya and Nino are getting along well and seem to have the cutest and funniest relationship ever. But other then the usual stuff, it's been pretty much the same. I'm still clumsy but that's okay. I told Adrien about this movie that was about to come out. He told me we could go see it once it came out for old time sake.

As I sat at my desk deep in thought, I didn't realize a special cat had entered my room. I felt a pair of hands rest on my shoulders and I jumped slightly. "Chat, don't scare me like that." I hear a laugh before he kisses my hair. "Good evening, M'lady. How are you today?" He spins my around so I face him. I smile before replying, "I'm doing just fine." He leans in and kisses me softly. He quickly detransforms after and carries me to my lounge.


It's 2 am and I just woke up. 'Ughh I'm hungry now?!?' I think to myself as I sit up. Well, at least, tried to sit up. There was an arm draped over me, stopping me from making any movements. I gently grabbed his arm and slowly moved it off of me. Sitting up in bed, I moved my legs over the side and stood up, quietly climbing down the ladder. I snuck down to the kitchen (not before tripping and almost falling to my death though). As I was sitting there eating, I felt hands on my shoulders and I jumped. "God Adrien.. you gave me.. a.. heart attack.." I said in between breaths. All he did was flash a smile at me and chuckle. "Sorry bugaboo.. Me scaring you could've been cat-astrophic". I laughed and shook my head at him. "I can't deal with your cat puns this early." He laughed. "Then... let's go back to bed!" Adrien picks me up bridal style and brings me back to my room. As soon as we got there he put me down and I climbed up the ladder to my beloved bed. Adrien arrived soon after and we cuddled as we fell asleep.


Goodness... I haven't posted in like years. So um a lot has happened lately, like summer camp, court issues, and moving issues. So sorry I never updated. And I'm sorry for the short chapter... Gah. I need to find a schedule to update, lol. Anyways baiiiiii!

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