Chapter 6 - Long Nights

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*Warning: Lemon heheheh*

-Marinette's POV-

Chat was over again. He comes over every weekend now and we usually sit on the couch I have and watch movies but this time was different.

We were talking when he arrived when he brought up a subject I never thought he would. I didn't think he was that kind of person. "So do you wanna...?" He asked, hesitantly. "Well umm.. Sure" I smiled as we got up. He picked me up and we made out first stop. The store. We grab the items we need and leave as he goes up to a flower stand and buys me a bouquet of Venus fly traps. He's so sweet. Oh! Almost forgot to mention, we started dating now. He asked me out while we were sitting on the balcony above my loft. Anyways...

We get to my house and we start getting out all the stuff we bought laying them on the kitchen counter. Chat smirks at me and winks nervously. I could tell he wasn't sure about this.. And I'm not sure how messy this will be... But here we go.

Sorting them out we start baking. But we didn't make just any pastry or treat... We made... A pie. But there was one key ingredient. Lemon. We were making a lemon meringue pie.

Hahahahahaha gotcha anyways here's the real lemon I'm sorry

Hahahahahaha gotcha anyways here's the real lemon I'm sorry

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Okay. Hope you lil' sins liked this chapter since you've been demanding some lemon ha
Anyways it's 1am almost and I need sleep.


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