We laid tangled in each other before we both fell asleep completely understanding the troubles of the others past.


Tapping my finger against the coffee cup I started recalling when the silence had begun. Backtracking I realized that Kieran had been staring at me for 3 minutes exactly.

It was awkward. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. Which I guess made sense considering I had no intention of ever seeing him again. With things like guilt I often avoided those situations like the plague. 

"So, how did you find me?" I asked finally having enough of his weirdness. We were sat in a small cafe just inside of city limits. I had agreed to meeting with Kieran only because of the look Theo gave me when Kieran asked. It was a "You better go otherwise you'll be in trouble" look that was intimidating enough to make me listen. Which is a miracle since I do not normally listen to authority. However, I did know Theo was right and meeting with Kieran was the best course of action plus then Theo would be happy with me and I can just go make out with him once I'm done here. See, very thought out plan.

"Well, I have been keeping tabs on you this entire time." Kieran scratched the back of his neck and appeared sheepish. "When I finally needed a house built I knew I could call your foster father for help and then get the chance to actually talk to you."

"How did you know I was at Theo's though?"

Again, he looked guilty and awkward. "I had met with the Wilson's and spoke to them about you."

I froze my tapping and met his eyes, mine were probably dark and wolf like. "What did you tell them?"

Kieran rose his hands in surrender and held my gaze to make sure I knew he meant no harm. It was a trick only he knew about me. Making eye contact was the one thing I knew for sure about people, the one way I could ever actually believe whatever they were saying.

"I told them I was your adoptive brother but a shitty family life made you run away."

"You didn't go into detail?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and taking a sip from the coffee. I wasn't a coffee drinker but it did soothe me when I was nervous which is pretty odd.

"No I didn't, I asked where you were and then went to find you. End of story. I would not tell them about you, you know that."

Satisfied I leaned back in my seat and glanced out the window. It was raining currently, cloudy and a little windy. Not really the type of weather I wanted for the start of summer. I really loved the heat but I did enjoy the rain on occasion.

"So, the Alpha huh?" Kieran smirked and took a sip of his hot chocolate, a sly smile on his lips that always spoke of whatever trouble he had found himself in.

Though Kieran looked different, more grown up and mature, he still was that nine year old that used to read stories to me when I couldn't sleep.

"Yes, the Alpha." I smiled. I had never actually been able to talk about the fact I was mates with Theo to anyone. I only had one friend, the Beta's daughter, Marie,  and she just had a baby so she had been busy.

"Heard he was a scary dude, just know that if he ever hurts you I got you bro." Kieran smiled but I heard the truth in his words. He meant what he said.

"I doubt you got me," I replied putting air quotations on the got me, "You are so tiny compared to him."

"I have speed though, I could just bam bam," He started to punch the air to prove his point. "He would not know what hit him. So fast, like a bullet."

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