Chapter 1

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Thanks guys for the commenting and voting! :) I appreciate it!! I'm writing on my iPod, so they aren't going to be the longest chapters and yeah. Ill try to go back and alter them on MAH Lappy-top :) by the way, I said the twins were 1 1/2 but um.. I don't think you can speak that we'll that young so I'm changing it to 2 1/2. Heh.

He leaned against the wall, a smirk playing on his lips. His hair was tousled, a sexy messed up look. Beautiful chocolate brown eyes stared back into my own boring hazel eyes. He stood away from me, but slowly closing the gap as he walked towards me. His lips hovered over mine, centimeters away. His hand caressed my tanned cheek, bringing my face to his. He closed that gap with a long awaited hungry kiss. Our lips moved in sync, the world disappeared and it was only Jc and I. His hands roamed my body. He broke off the kiss and pulled me onto his torso, carrying me to the bedroom and laying me down on the bed. He kissed my neck and lips -

I awoke with a cold sweat. It was a dream? God dammit. I shouldn't be dreaming of him like that. We're done. I left, nothing will change that.


Ryleigh you know you still love him

No I don't!

Oh yeah? Then why did you dream about him again?

It was just the surprise of seeing Kian again and -

"Mommywhoareyoutalkingto?" Shy giggled.

"No one baby." I answered, checking the clock - 7:00 AM. "Lets go make breakfast baby."

I rolled out of bed and picked shy up, throwing her over my shoulder and running into the kitchen. She laughed and yelled for me to put her down. I sat her on the counter and walked over to the fridge.

"What should we make baby girl?" I ask her, although I knew the answer.

"Chippy pancakes!!" She yelled clapping.

"Shh, bubba is still asleep."

'Chippy pancakes' is chocolate chip pancakes, but for whatever reason she says Chippy pancakes. Kids right?
Oh right ingredients. Okay, so milk, flour, baking soda, vanilla? Yeah.chocolate chips, Am I missing something? Hmm. No. Oh! Eggs.

"Alright short stack' will you get mommy the Minnie & Micky bowl?"

She pouted at the short stack comment and got the bowl. I stuck my tongue at her and brought everything over to the counter and grabbed a chair for her to stand on.
I turned on my favorite CD, 'alternative', which is mainly Marina & The Diamonds, Lily Allen, Lorde and Lana Del Ray. When 'how to be a heartbreaker' switched on Shy & I sang along while mixing the ingredients.

"This is how to be a heartbreaker,
Boys like a little danger
Get them falling for a stranger
A player!"

When the mix was made I turned on the fire and waited for the skillet to heat up before I put the mix on it.

"Yummy," Shy said with a mouth full of pancake. I scolded her and told her not to talk with her mouth full. Oh wow, my mom used to the same thing.

I checked the time, 8:00. Shit! I have to pick Zoe & Bella up at 9:30. I quickly put up our dirty plates and ran to the shower, leaving Shy to watch her Barbie movie.

Zoe & Bella are my cousins, 11 & 17. Zoe and I used to be pretty close but when I was 14 she moved to New Zealand and I only saw her during holidays and summer. But, shes been having troubles in her new school so my aunt sent her to live with me. And bella wanted to go to, so yeah. Our house has 8 rooms so I didn't really care, we obviously have room. And she's helping pay bills once she gets a job. 3 extra rooms, since Carla & Scarlet share a room. (I wanted Shy & Justin to share a room cause they were so little and then they didn't wanna get their own rooms.)

Now what should I wear - hmm. Purple skinny jeans, and blank tank top with see- through Casper tee? I think yes. Nike shoes? No. Converse. Make up? Eh maybe just foundation and some mascara, it's just my cousin. Now it was time to leave, thank goodness Scarlet dressed shy for me before they left. I really needed to leave.

Grabbing my phone and keys, I get shy and we leave. Woo! Cousin reunion.

Ugh! When is her plane gonna land? Oh wait it's only been ten minutes. The last time I saw her I was 17, which was 4 years ago and yeah. I'm excited.

"Ryleigh? Oh my gosh!"

I was pulled into a big hug, it only took me a second to realize it was Zoe. I hugged back.

"Lets go get your bags!" I said, looping my arm with her and holding Shy's hand we skipped -yes I'm 21 and I skipped to the luggage pick up- to go get their bags.

"So this is the famous little shy? Aww she looks just like you Ry." Zoe said with a smile, Bella was unusually quiet. Ill make her talk when we get home, she's probably just shy. Hah. Shy, like you know. Shy.

"Thanks Zozo!"

The rest of the car ride to the apartment, which was a 45 minute drive, was mostly every one in the car sing-screaming songs that were on the radio. We are obviously .related, even Bella broke out of her shell a little. Woop!

"Welcome to ma home!" I yelled, pulling into the driveway.

It's a nice home, we all three have jobs - good jobs- so we could afford it. 8 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms. A indoor pool and a pretty nice backyard, we live right by a lake - more in the country cause we got tired of the city. It's worth the drive to work, 40 minutes. Carla has her own Tattoo/Piercing shop that is really well known and ranks in a lot of money. Scarlet works with cosmetic stuff, has her own shop like Carla. Me? Well I'm a photographer. I love it!

"This is really nice." Zoe says nodding her head approvingly while grabbing her bags out of the back of my minivan. Yes I have a minivan and I love it.

"Thanks." I say with a chuckle and help Bella with her things.

I unlock the front door and we go in, their jaws drop open. I chuckle and set all their bags in the living room.

"Scarlet and Carla won't be back Til' 6 and Justin is at Drew's so it's just us for a while." They nod, looking kind of tired. Jet lag? Probably.

I smile and go up the stairs, motioning them to follow me. Their rooms we're iffy next to eachother. They weren't anything special - Im not rich. I couldn't make it all tumblr-like, but they both thanked me and went to put all their stuff up.

-Next Day-

"You love him. It's a fact girl." Carla says with a smile, knowingly ticking me off.

"Nope. It was just a stupid dream."

"Really Ryleigh? C'mon. Why can't you accept it? You and Jc belong together but you're to afraid to admit it, call him up and talk to him. He's here in New York and this could be your only chance!"


She shook her and grabbed my phone, I tried to snatch it back and epically failed. She dialed Jc's number, against my protests. He actually answered.

"Hello?" His voice was sleepy like he just woke up.

"Hey Jc." I squeak "it's um, it's Ryleigh.

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