36: I'm fine. Leave.

Start from the beginning

Stomping his foot loudly to make a point that Harry was not at all welcome, Louis stalks over to his own room.



Harry sighs. What a torturous thing it would be to live with Louis.. knowing that he could never be Harry's again...

No. No. No. Do not think this..

Harry is over Louis. He is. He doesn't care a bit about Louis. No. Not one bit.

"Ouch! Fucking hell!"

Harry suddenly hears Louis' voice curse out in the kitchen and rushes to see what the chaos is about. What did Louis do to the kitchen?

"What happ-- Oh my god!" Harry shouts, and runs in, only to find an injured Louis.

Actually, Louis is bleeding.

"I almost fucking cut my finger off while cutting the fucking vegetables. I'm never cooking again. Fuck!" Louis rambles, holding his bleeding finger.

Harry almost has a heart attack. Because, let's face it.

Louis swearing is fucking hot.

But, before he could get carried away, the kitty runs into Harry's legs.

Harry startles out and rushes to help a pouty Louis.

Harry takes hold of Louis' hand and walks him to the sink.

After Louis' finger is washed and cleansed under the cold water, Harry sits Louis down on the kitchen counter.

Taking out the first-aid kit, which was lying next to the sink, god knows why, Harry starts wrapping the injured finger.

Louis jerks his hand away, once the shock of Harry acting like he 'cares' sets in.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, Styles?" Louis asks, hopping off the counter.

"You..are hurt.." Harry says, dumbfounded.

"And..? Since when do you care?" Louis asks, glaring at his still bleeding finger.

"I don't. I was being...human." Harry states, crossing his arms.

"Yeah.. Just... I don't need your help. Leave."

"I um.."

"What do you want to hear? I'm fine. Leave."

"Fine." Harry huffs and goes to his room.

Louis keeps glaring, at his hand now.

There shouldn't be any tingly feeling by some mere touch, damnit.

He seriously has touch receptor problems.

Wrapping the bandaid over the finger, quite messily, Louis stomps up the stairs.

He passes Harry's door. He hears mews of the kitten so he peers inside Harry's bedroom.

Only to find the kitty, whom he should name soon, resting on Harry's chest.

And Harry is playing and petting her.

What a cute look on Harry...

NO. He can't think like this.

Mission ABORT.


Mission ABORT.

Louis shakes his head. Stupid brain.
Clearing his throat, Louis taps rather loudly on the door.

"Who- oh.." Harry says, looking at Louis and kitty back and forth.

"Yeah. 'Oh'. Now, you can, unfortunately, live here. Since you have paid an advance. But, you absolutely cannot breach my privacy. This kitten's mine. Mine. Don't you dare touch it." Louis scolds, and grabs hold of the kitty.

The kitty mews and paws at Louis' sweater while Louis continues the stare challenge, he and Harry have going on.

'Maybe I'll just take a chainsaw to the sofa,

Where I held your body close for so long, so long.

I'm gonna break the fucking china..

Cause it's just one more reminder you're gone, you're gone..

We were building brick by brick.

Now it's just a quicksand home, yeah..

So, I'll take a chainsaw to the sofa,

Where I held your body close for so long, so long,

Yeah, so long..'

Louis' ringtone blares thus, effectively breaking the stare challenge.

Louis switches it off, backs out, and runs to his room.

Yeah. He has a sad ringtone, so what?

But Harry shouldn't have heard this.

Not that it matters. No. It really doesn't. After all, its not about Harry.

Louis gave his heart to Harry. But Harry gave it away. So, Louis won't cry anymore tears for Harry.

This, his new persona, is going to be his best shot. It is, actually. No one can crumble him, now. He is a confident person now. At least more confident than he was...


Harry bangs his head on the headboard. Damn. Louis is not his anymore. He has no right to take care of him. So, why did he actually..? Harry doesn't understand his own actions and thoughts, sometimes..

That night, Harry lies awake more confused than he ever has been. Contemplating his actions and thoughts..

And Louis can't sleep too. He can't stop thinking about how Harry reacted to his injury..

But, that doesn't make any sense. Harry hates him. Louis reciprocates. Simple.

Or is it..?

I am back for now at least.. I hopefully will get a laptop tomorrow, after 2 years, don't ask me why I didn't have for two years, I was studying damn. So, that's good news I hope..


Btw Nick Jonas' new album is LIT. Fuck, I'm addicted. Especially to this one.


All the love,
LarryHaveBabies xx.

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now