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Hey guys, im very sorry but as the title says, this story is being discontinued. I just dont have the heart or mental stability to write anymore.

This month has been horrible.

First of all my dog, Lady, was put down. She was just to old and had to many problems.

Then something happy happened. Shimmer (cat) gave birth to three beautiful kittens.

2 grays, 1 plain white.
A plain gray like herself, a tabby gray, and the white one of course.

The gray tabby was the runt of the litter.

So I took morw care of him to make sure he/she was ok.

They were all born monday June 6th 2016.

The tabby gray had something on his/her stomach. We didnt have the money to go to a vet, nor was he/she old enough to go their.

But I was happy and they were doing fine.

But then it all came down

It stopped eating.

It stopped moving.

It kept meowing in pain.

It died.

The gray tabby kitten, the runt, died.

Keep in mind this was my favorite, ive always had a special place in my heart for runts.

Just about 2 hours ago, we lost this kitten.

Its eyes werent even open.

It didnt have a chance to live.

It isnt FAIR.

This kitten has been named Lost Soul. Or Soul for short.

RIP Soul
Jun 6, 2016 - June 11, 2016
Died 12:50pm(ish)

I stayed with Soul as it took their last breath. I cradled it. I cryed so much.



Im not emotionally stable to write anymore..

Im sorry...

All my storys are being discontinued.

Again.. Im sorry.

I will forever love you guys for being there with me through this fun adventure.

And to Soul.. Im sorry that im was to fucking poor to do anything for you.


Forgive me

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