Secret Society

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(This one's about a made up band but I'm including it because I don't think it'll be continued)
{Jude and Issac get a chance of a lifetime to meet a new up-coming band; Secret Society. Over the time they spend with the girls in the band, they learn a lot about life, love, and friendship. Copyright I_Am_A_Mishamego & Batman_Jesus.}
Jude's POV
"Come back here, asshole!" I shout.
"Never!!" Izzsack yells back and turns his head to stick his tongue out at me.
"It's on now, fucktard!" I shout. I speed up, gaining on my scrawny friend.
"Shit shit shit SHIT!!!" He screams as he crashes into someone. A tall blond girl falls on her butt as Izzsac lands on her. Before I can stop, I run into a tall girl with brown, bushy hair.
"What the fuck ?!" The blond yells, while the brunette snickers.
"Look I don't fuck on the first collision," says the brunette as she helps me up.
"You ok, Syd?" She asks the blond. "My ass hurts, but yeah" replies the blond while helping Izzsac up.
"Nice to meet ya! I'm Maddie and I don't fuck people who run into me and don't apologize" she cracks a smile. I blush and feel my mouth drop as I struggle to find a reply to her blatant statement.
"AWWW!! I SHIP IT!!" Yells the blond.
"I shall call you Juddie and you will be my Juddie!"
"Sydney, I swear to God if you don't stop shipping me with every random fucker that you can figure out the name of-" says Maddie.
"Mhm... it's gonna happen." Sydney replies. I blush a deeper red, and Look down.
"Ignore Syd. She still thinks Dean and Cas are gonna fuck," smiles Maddie. Sydney pouts and sits back down on the ground.
"Yeah right after Gabriel comes back..." I mumble. Izzsac bursts out laughing.
"What's so funny?" Asks Maddie.
"Can't... believe... he... said... that..." he replies between laughter.
"Dean and Cas will fuck right after Gabriel comes back," I repeat.
"Do we have a wayward son in our wake?" Sydney asks, raising her eyebrow.
"Fuck yeah," Maddie grins. Izzsac and I high five her.
"Who's your favorite character?" Asks Maddie.
"Mine is Cas," I say.
"Mine's Dean," smiles Izzsac.
"Nice," grins Sydney.
"Where are y'all headed?" Asks Maddie.
"Warped Tour. We're really excited because we get to meet a new, undiscovered band!" Bemuses Izzsac.
"Oh really? What's the band?" Asks Sydney, giving a sly smile to Maddie.
"Secret Society! No one- I mean most people have never heard of them, but we think they're amazing!" Izzsac rattles.
"What's your name Jude's friend?" Asks Maddie.
"Issac," says Izzsac.
"How do you know my name?" I ask.
"Dude, your shirt says 'Judology: the study of Jude'," gestures Maddie.
"Oh. Yeah," I blush.
"Well Isaac and Jude, I am pleased to meet you!" Says Sydney.
"We'll catch ya later!" Winks Maddie. They walk away, laughing about something.
"Do they..." begins Izzsac.
"Seem familiar?" I finish.
"Yeah. I mean, do they?" He asks. It clicks and I groan.
"What?!" Gasps Izzsac.
"Izzsac, my friend, we just met Madison Ackins and Sydney Winchlecki of Secret Society."

Issac's POV
"Izzsac, my friend, we just met Madison Ackins and Sydney Winchlecki of Secret Society." Jude groans, facepalming.
"You mean to tell me that Sydney is Sydney and Maddie is Madison?" I asked, turning a whole new shade of red.
"No duh dipshit," he says while hitting me upside the back of my head.
"Holy mother of god I ran into Sydney Winchlecki and knocked her over and made a complete fool of myself and oh my gods I'm going to pass out." I ramble, as I hold my head.
"If you don't calm the fuck down I'm gonna molotov your ass," Jude sighs. I glance at my watch, and my eyes just about popped out of my head.
"We're gonna miss the show!!" I yell as I take off running.
"Hold up mofo!" Screams Jude.
~Time Skip~
"Are you Jude Cash and Issac Wilson?" Asks a beefy security guard.
"Y-yes..." I respond shyly.
"No shit Sherlock! Of course we're The Amazing Jude and Izzsac!" Yells Jude. "Hmph... Alright then." The security guard replies roughly. He leads us to a group of people standing side stage, and taps on, what I'm assuming is, Allison's shoulder.
"Hmm?" She hums, while spinning around to face us.
"Issac! Jude! Great to see you again! Thanks, Bob." Exclaims Sydney, throwing her arms in the air. Bob mumbles a response, and then walks away.
"Bob can come off as a bit rough, but he's a big sweet heart once you get to know him." Allison states.
"You know us?" Asks Jude.
"Yeah" Allison states in a 'duh' tone.
"Maddie and Sydney never shut up about you."
"What?" I ask.
"Yeah! I mean our first encounter was pretty hilarious," grins Maddie.
"Oh. Yeah, Um. Sure," mumbles Jude.
"Secret Society! You're on in 5" shouts a crew member.
"Fuck. Well we need to go put on something other than this and do a quick music chant," says Maddie with a wink to Jude.
"1...2...3... FUCK SOCIETY! FUCK ASSHOLES! LOGAN, DON'T FUCK US IN OUR ASSHOLES!!" They all chanted, with us joining in.
"Let's do this shit!!" Sydney yells, as they run onstage.
~another Time Skip~
Just as they're finishing the set, Braxton puts down his guitar and jumps into the crowd. The band laughs and Sydney speaks into the mic.
"I had a lot of fucking fun, hope you guys did too! Be safe, wear condoms, don't join gangs, skorts are out, drop out of school to form a garage band... I think that's all! Peace out, motherfuckers!!" She ran off stage with Maddie, and Logan by her side.

Jude's POV
We cheer them all on as they walk backstage.
"Maddie!!! I SAW JACKY!!" Sydney screams, running towards Jack Barakat, who was standing backstage with the rest of All Time Low.
"JACK!" Maddie runs over to the guitarist.
"Hey guys! Syd! Maddie! You guys were fabulous, as per usual," he smiles, giving each of them a hug.
"Hey where are the others?" Madison asks.
"Alex is taking a dump, Zack is eating a burger and Rian is nursing a mild hangover."
"Sounds like an everyday pre-show," Madison laughs.
"Yup," Jack laughs. Seconds later, an angry-looking Rian appears.
"Hey Maddie; Sydney."
"What crawled up your ass?" Jack asks.
"We have no Tylenol."
"Shut up and go take a nap."Jack suggests sassily. Rian grumbles. 'Fine' and shuffles off.
"So when do you guys go on?"
"30 mins. They're setting up for us now." I clear my throat loudly. Madison, Sydney and Jack turn and face me.
"Um, yeah. Hi, we're still here."
"Shit! Sorry! Jack, this is Jude and Issac," Madison says, pointing at us.
"Hey! I'm Jack, obviously. So, not to be rude, but why are you here?" He asks "did you guys fuck?"
"NO!" I say.
"Why does everyone say that?!" Madison throws her arms up in frustration.
"Cuz we know that one day the answer will be yes." Izzsack butts in, appearing beside me.
"Right after you fuck Sydney," I say. Izzsack's face turns the shade of an over-ripened tomato. Sydney elbows Maddie in the side, extremely flustered.
"Maddie!!" She squeaks, hiding her blush in her hair.
"Jack, are you fucking with our good friends?" A male voice says from behind. We turn to see Alex standing there.
"Lex!!" Sydney said, grinning like a madman.
"What's up my fabulous twats?" Alex grins, whilst hugging each girl in turn.
"This is Isaac and Jude. They're our new unicorn friends," Sydney says.
"Fabulous! I'm Alex, obviously. So what's up guys?"
"You know, just performing Warped Tour. No biggie," Sydney says with a shrug.
"Yeah? Keep sassin' me and I'll kick your pony ass," Alex grins.
"I'll believe it when I see it." Madison grins. She smacks the top of his head, and pulls it back quickly.
"GROSS! You have on more hairspray than Sydney, Allison and I combined you slutty man-whore!"

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