| Chapter Twenty - Eight |

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Dear Diary,

I miss him. I miss him everyday more than the last. It's been one whole week without texting or talking to him and It's really hard. Actually, it's been a week and 2 days without seeing him or talking to him or even texting with him. I miss him more than ever.

They were both waiting for each other to talk, they never knew that their hearts were dying too but their egos stopped them. They never knew that egos killed a lot of love stories too.

This makes me want to talk to him.
It makes me feel that he wants to talk to me too but, he's just shy or he's ego stopped him. The problem is, I'm shy too. I can't talk to him. I wish he would just make the first move on talking to me. I'm desperate.

My little, fragile heart gets torn into pieces whenever I think of him. I feel that I'm not that obsessed as I was before, but I just miss him.

We've talked a bit on group but kind of indirectly. It was nothing personal and we weren't talking directly to each other. It was weird.

I miss him. I miss the real him.
Him, the one who is chatting with me, the kind hearted and cute one, that always do funny stuff to make people laugh when they're feeling down.

I love him a lot. I just wish that my dream would come true before my birthday.


Am I even on his mind?
Wait, why would I be on his mind?

We're just friends!


Sometimes, I forget that he's my friend. Yeah, he can't be anything more than a friend to me. He can never even look at me.

When we eye contact, I feel that I'm lost in a world of rainbows and sunshine. But it just ends with a storm that leads us not talking to each other.

I'm not going to start the conversation again. I want him to know that I can survive naturally without him, even though every minute we don't speak I feel that my life is ending..

He's my knight.

He's my superhero.

I can't wait to meet him soon! I don't even know when we're going to meet. I think we're going to meet on my birthday, which is a month ahead. Ugh. It's sad to feel empty. Cause my life is empty without him.

I could be anything in this world, but I wanted to be his.

Maybe he doesn't talk to me because he doesn't want me to fall in love with him even more, or maybe he is fed up from me.


I'm overthinking too much.


Your Lover.

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