Twelve minutes, I thought.

I keyed the car until I heard it pur, zoomed out of the garage, and went straight to the university.

It takes about fifteen minutes for me to get there, but a few minutes of being late wouldn't hurt me.

As I neared a stoplight, I took the opportunity to look into what my dad made for me.

There were two sandwiches, each in their own ziplocks. There was a bottle of water, an orange, and a can of rootbeer.

What's funny though was how neatly they were placed in the paper bag, and my dad was not usually this neat. But hearing my stomach grumbling removed the random thought from my head. I took one of the sandwiches and gobbled the whole thing before the green light appeared again.

The gate to the university came into view and I found myself searching for an empty parking space. Luckily, one car was moving out of the way and I took its place before the other car in front of me did.

"Sorry!" I waved to the driver as I got out, sprinting across the field of freshly watered green grass with my bag slowing me down a bit.

My footsteps echoed in one hall until I reached one that was packed with students who must have classes at 9AM.

I dashed my way into the classroom where I was supposed to be in ten minutes ago, entered quietly, and sat next to Kyle who waved cooly at me with a smug smile on his face.

"Somebody woke up late this morning."

"I had a nice sleep, so what?" I chortled.

"Interesting." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, eyeing me. "Got somebody new you brought to bed last night?" He muttered with amusement.

I nearly burst out laughing, but I bit my bottom lip and punched him playfully hard on his arm. "You are such a pervert, you know that?"

"Are you accusing me of something?!" He mocked a reaction of shock.

"Does it look like it?" I merely chuckled.

"Just because I'm black you tell me I'm a pervert?"

"Who said anything about you being black?"

"All you white people do is judge us black people." He kept the act, giving out his little speeches like a politician would. "The ridicule!"

I tried to hold in a laugh. "You know you're judging is white people by saying us white people are judging you black people." I pointed out.

His head snapped back to me and he said, "touché."

"Weirdo." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh now you're judging me again—"

"Oh shut up." I shook my head. "You know I'm not that kind of person."

"You're not judgemental?"

"No! I mean, yes..." I chuckled at the mixed messages. "What I'm saying is: yes, I'm not judgemental and no, I'm not the type to go doing someone else while I have Natalia."

He laughed. "I was just kidding! Besides, it wouldn't hurt a fly if you did." He shrugged at the thought as if it seemed normal and ethical.

"It would hurt a jealous bitch's ego, though."

I jumped at Shannon's voice which came from right behind me.

"Jesus, why do you always have to go around and scare the hell out of people?" Kyle said with his hand to his chest, eyes widening.

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