"Something must have happened at the hospital then. That's where Liam said he was, right?" Louis asked.

"Yeah...With Zayn and probably Niall too. Zayn was hurt apparently," El said.

Then I heard Louis get up and start pacing. "This better not be what I think it is. It can't be. Liam wouldn't- Not to us. Not to Harry."

I froze when I reached my door. Everyone else stayed silent and I felt like crumbling into a million pieces. Could it be that? Could Liam really turn against us all of a sudden? Against me?

Could Liam really be joining the Blood Hunters?



I couldn't sleep last night. Yet again, I haven't been able to sleep for the whole week. I've never felt so empty inside. It's because HE left you. You miss him. He left you for THEM. He doesn't love you anymore.

Those were my only thoughts for the past week. I've barely been paying attention to anything lately. Just thinking about HIM. He still means everything to me. It doesn't matter that he left or stopped loving me. I still love him.

I was in our last class with him right now, sitting behind him. I watched his every move. I noticed that over the week, he has changed. He doesn't talk to Niall anymore, even when he keeps trying to talk to him. He just ignored him completely. Zayn is still at the hospital, as far as I know, but I don't think Liam's visited him at all this week. Instead, he talks a lot more with Andy, and they're practically inseperable.

Every time I see them together, I fume and feel my heart break a little more. I watch them talk and laugh and stand really close to each other. It pains to watch, but I still can't get myself not to watch. I miss him...What if he already moved on? With Andy?

I almost threw up at the thought and shook my head. They can't be together. They're just friends......But they can, Harry. Think about it. Liam and Andy have been friends for a long time. Andy has probably had feelings for Liam for a while now. And you just met him 2 months ago. Liam could have developed feelings for Andy and moved on to him from you. He doesn't love you anymore, Harry.

I whimpered softly and put my head in my arms against my desk. I don't think I can handle seeing Liam with Andy, or anyone else. I only need him to be with me. I love him...

The bell rang to signal the end of school and I lifted my head from my desk. I watched Liam get up and walk out the door with Andy, talking about the game later today. I knew they had a football game after school and I was planning on watching. I will still support him as he played even if he doesn't love me anymore.

"Haz? You okay? Let's go home now," I heard Louis say and I blinked. I noticed I was staring at the door still, after Liam left.

I shook my head in response and said, "No. I wanna watch the football game outside. It's starting soon."

"But Harry...HE will be playing. Can you take that?" El asked, frowning at me.

I nodded and walked out the door with them. "I think I can. He'll just be playing."

"Okay, as long as you're okay, Haz. Then we can watch with you," Louis said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

We reached my locker and I saw Liam standing by his locker with Andy. They were really close to each other, laughing about a night they had out. Apparently they "had a blast and can't wait for the next time". I groaned and opened my locker to put my books away. I hope they're not talking about a date they had or anything like that. I don't think I can handle not killing Andy for touching Liam in any way.

"Haz...You know you don't have to go watch the game. If it's really that hard for you to even see him with Andy, let's just go home," Louis said sympathetically.

I shook my head and looked at him and El. "I can do it...I just wanna know one thing," I said softly.

"You wanna know if he's with Andy now, don't you? Haz, it shouldn't matter anymore. Who cares if he moved on to Andy," Louis said.

"I care, Lou. I still love him even if he doesn't love me anymore. I just wanna know if they are together now," I replied and closed my locker. I turned around and watched Liam and Andy walk to the change room for their football game.

"Aw, Harry. You should try not thinking about it so much. Focus on something else," El suggested as we walked out the school doors and to the field. It was packed on the bleachers and we just squeezed in the front, bottom row.

"I can't, El. He's all I think about. It's so hard not being with him. It hurts more than anything," I said after we sat down.

The crowd started cheering loudly as the team came out, Liam leading the way. He smiled and waved to the crowd. He looked at me and suddenly stopped running. He seemed frozen, just staring at me. I waved at him slightly and gave him a small smile. He looked sad, confused...and longing for me? Is that possible? Is Liam really longing for me? Does he miss me as much I miss him?

He kept staring at me and smiled slightly. He's smiling at me! I smiled back at him and felt my heart leap in my chest. Only Liam can make me feel this way. Only him.

But my smile faltered when Andy came to Liam's side, looking at who he was smiling at. He saw me and glared, then he whispered to Liam, "Just ignore him. He'll only throw off your game. You know this is for the best, Liam. You feel nothing for him anymore. You're over him. You're with ME now, and you're happy."

I glared at Andy for saying those things to Liam and I hoped he didn't believe them. But when I looked back at Liam, his face was emotionless again and he nodded at Andy. Then Liam turned away from me and ran to the middle of the field to join his team. Andy smirked at me and followed Liam, staying really close to him and keeping him from turning to me again.

I fumed and was about to get up when I felt Louis' hand grab me and keep me down. "I know, Haz. Just let it go for now. You can get him later. Right now, just watch the game. We'll figure out what's going on later."

"But he said Liam had HIM now, Lou. They're together, aren't they? That's what he meant?" I said, voice breaking slightly.

"Maybe, or maybe not. But we'll figure it out later, Harry. Don't worry so much," El said and gave me a supporting smile.

I nodded, continuing to watch Liam and Andy, who kept whispering at Liam to avoid looking at me.

Oh, I'm gonna kill him some day...Just you wait.

*Aww! Harry's so miserable without Liam. Do you believe Liam broke up with him to be with Andy? Do you think Liam is really with Andy now? If so, how will Harry deal with that? What will he do to Andy?

Will Lirry get back together?

More drama and action to come!

What will happen next?* x

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