Chapter 6

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**Jemma's POV**

"That was a good lesson," I say as we walk back up to the castle, "I like Hagrid."

"You'll love our next teacher," George says.

"Yeah, Snape is the best!"


I look up at the hook-nosed teacher infront of me and feel an involuntary shudder run down my spine.

"Ah, Miss Smith, our new student," he sneers, walking towards me, "I've heard of your talent in Transfiguration and Charms. I have high expectations for you. Do not disappoint me."

He turns to the rest of the class and I shoot Fred a look. He half shrugs.

"Today you will be attempting to concoct a potion called Andios Lament. It is an incredably difficult potion, therefore you will be placed in pairs. I do not expect any of you to master this potion, however, you will submit a sample of it for marking at the end of the lesson. Instructions are on page thirty-four.You have forty minutes. Begin."

"I made this last year," I tell Fred, "it's not as hard as he makes it sound."

"Good, I'll be your partner," Fred grins. Lee and George pair up.

"Let's make this interesting," Lee says, "I bet a block of Honeydukes chocolate we get a better mark."

"Deal," I say, opening my book.

Forty minutes later I'm stirring a light blue potion that's giving off the smell of lavendar, just like the book says it should. George and Lee's potion is brown and smells like an ash tray. I bottle and label some and hand it to Snape who is trying not to look impressed.

"You owe us chocolate," I tell Lee as we walk out of the dungeons.

"Not until we get our marks back," he protests, but his tone is desolate.

My first week of school passed in a blur of dangerous animals, fluffy puppies and chocolate. All of a sudden it's the night that the other schools are arriving.

"Line up here! Quickly!" McGonagal calls, directing us outside.

I stand with Fred and George and feel a tug on my hair. I turn around to see Tyler.

"Are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" he asks quietly.

"Yeah, I'm going with Fred and George, why?"

"Do you want to meet up? I know a great coffee place..."

"I'll think about it," I whisper back, moving to the side so Harry, Ron and Hermione can stand with us.

"How do you think they're arriving?" Hermione asks.




We all look skyward and a few people scream.

"That's not a dragon! I laugh, "it's a carriage!"

Sure enough, a large, powder blue carriage lands on the ground infront of us. A large woman steps out, followed by a crowd of girls. Dumbledore greets them and we fall into silence, waiting for Durmstrang.

"Look at the lake!" someone yells. I arch my neck, trying to see.

"It's a ship!"

I see the mast sticking out of the water. The ship docks and a stream of boys come walking off.

"Oh now way!" someone yells as they come into the light.

"Harry, it's him, it's Krum!" Ron gasps.

"Ron's a fan, huh?" I ask Fred as we move into the hall.

"He's in love with Krum," George says, "he's-"

"Completely obsessed," Fred finishes.

We all sit down at our house tables. The Durmstrang students sit with the Slytherines and the Beauxbatons sit with the Hufflepuffs. When the food appears, it's a mixture of cultures.

"Wow, this is... Interesting," I say, trying some French soup.

After we've eaten Dumbledore calls for our attention and explains the rules for the tornament.

"The ministry has decided that you will be unable to enter if you are under the age of seventeen!"


"You're kidding!"

The hall erupts into outraged cries. I shrug at Harry from across the table. Evidently, neither of us had planned on entering anyway.

"That's rubbish," Fred complains the next morning as we make our way down to breakfast.

"Well, I see their point," I say quietly, "the task are really hard."

"How do you know?" George asks moodily, "it hasn't been done for fifty years!"

"In Britain and Europe," I point out, "we've done it in Australia."

"What, really?"

"Yeah, we compete against America, Asia and Africa," I say. Fred sighs.

"But still... Eternal glory..."

I laugh at him and sit down.

"Honestly, right now I'm glad to be back in jeans," I tell him, helping myself to porridge.

"Hey you," Tyler appears at my shoulder, "thought about it?"

"I'm so sorry," I sigh, "but I promised these guys I'd hang with them today. Next time?"

"Book me in," he says with a wink. As he walks off I see one of his friends ask him something. He shakes his head sadly in response. I sigh. I really did want to spend the day with him, but a promise is a promise.

"We would have let you off you know," Fred says. I shrug.

"Next time," I say, noticing George didn't agree with Fred on letting me off.

Walking down to Hogsmeade I feel a thrill of excitement. It's so nice to be back in my jeans and singlet top with the warm sun on my bare shoulders.

"Where to first?" I ask, bouncing around Fred and George. They exchange a look.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2011 ⏰

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