"Am I allowed to go in your room?" I hesitantly asked her, because of her sick parents.

"Yeah, it's not like we're going to do anything." She calmly replied, and I gulped nervously for some apparent reason.

I followed her into the room, and the black and white room was in front of my eyes once again.

"Don't question the room. It's just... like that." Yoo Ri said, and she sat down on her bed.

"Here. Sit." Yoo Ri bluntly said, patting the empty space next to her. I nodded and silently sat next to her.

"You're actually Park Jimin." She chuckled in disbelief, looking down.

"Yeah, I am. Normal fans would be all over and in love with me right now, why not you?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"I'm not sure what is love, maybe that's why I'm not all over you? But, all I really want to tell you is, you're the best." She smiled brightly at me, which I ended up smiling too.

She's, abnormal. Special in a way. Yeah, special. She's... adorable. Cute too. Everything about her is just... adorable and unique. I've never seen a person like this before.

I'm being honest. No one has ever actually made me smile, just by smiling.

"You'll learn how to love soon, I'm sure." I smiled at her, but when I realized what I said, I widened my eyes and awkwardly cleared my throat.

"I know I've been asking you for several times, but, can you teach me how to love? I don't have feelings... no one helps me." She pouted, looking at the ground.

Teach her, how to love?

Like I said, love comes naturally.

Or I could just take advantage of the situation- wait no, what am I thinking?!?

"It comes naturally." I bluntly said, looking away too.

"Love is a good thing, right? It won't make me upset, right?" Yoo Ri asked.


"It depends, if the person you love, treats you well." I said.

"I want to experience love. It's something that hasn't been part of my life. Could you just, help me experience everything I haven't experience? Before you escape this sick place ... I just want you to help me experience life." She explained. I widened my eyes, scared.

"Yeah, I'll help you of course. Besides... you're not a bad person to help!" I chuckled.

And I can completely take advantage of this situation.

But I'm not, because she's... too innocent.

"You don't actually have to find a way for me to escape. I mean, really. The outside world is some scary shit." I gave a disgusted face.

Yeah. The world. It isn't a good place. Who knew that getting kidnapped was a good thing.

I don't have to put up with shit anymore.

And at this place, I won't get hurt... No one will hurt me...

Yoo Ri's parents, they just want me to make their daughter happy.

And that's what I'm gonna do.

I rather make someone happy than let myself get hurt all over again. Yeah, it's all bullshit when everyone thought we, BTS, were close.

For the sick fans, we have to put on an act. When honestly, we all hate each other. The only person I could actually talk to properly, was Namjoon.

I Kidnapped Park Jimin.Where stories live. Discover now