A Little Longer

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Four o'clock a.m. is not an ideal time to be preparing for what promises to be a long day, but it's what I am doing. I pull my shoulder length dark brown hair into a low ponytail and sigh as I run my hand over my forehead.

"Ok," I say to myself, "resume, suitcase, phone charger, stack of books, extra pony tail holders... What am I forgetting?"

I rummage through my suitcase one last time to be sure I've packed underwear and other necessities. It could be a long stay, where I'm going. I grab my suitcase after making sure I've securely zipped it with my right hand and the green folder marked "Equine Coordinator" with my left hand. With a glance in the mirror, I sigh. My honey colored eyes tell me I'm in too deep and haven't gotten enough sleep. There isn't time to second guess myself. I'm off to Canada.


It was about six months ago when I got the call. My friend Jess from long ago was brimming with enthusiasm on the other line. I knew she'd had to have gotten a really exciting job, but she wasn't going to tell me right off. That is just how Jess is. She's a make-up artist and she's quite good at what she does. She's done commercials, Indy films, music videos, television - everything. With her overly bubbly demeanor during that fateful phone call, I knew she likely landed a dream job.

"So, anyway," she was saying, "I had the most awesome thing happen yesterday."

"Yeah?" I said. I was really excited for her. She always had great projects going on and this one seemed to have her nearly hyperventilating with excitement.

"What could be better than me doing make-up on one of your - wait, not one of - but your one and only favorite tv show?"

There was an audible gasp from my end of the phone. "What? You're kidding! You got a spot with Hell on Wheels? So awesome! Please, please tell me I can come be like a brush holder or something!" I was squealing in to the phone. Hell on Wheels! The only show I ever really watched. I couldn't believe she'd gotten that gig!

"Ahem," Jess returned dramatically, "I asked what could be better. As in, do you think you'd want to come be a 'brush holder' or come and do something a little more, well, you ?"

I must've looked incredibly stupid in that moment, though no one could say. I was alone in my barn watching my small horse herd grazing as the sun was setting.

"Ok," Jess said after what seemed an eternity, "you can close your mouth before the flies get in. I've given your information to the Hell on Wheels team. They're looking for a new equine coordinator for the show. I told them you've trained, you've been riding for forever, you're a pro -"

"Jess, I'm not a pro. If I was a pro I wouldn't need a job, and OH MY GOD. WHAT AM I SAYING?" I screamed in to the receiver and distinctly heard Jess say "Jesus!" On the other end.

"Sorry, sorry! I just can't, I mean, what?"

"Emily," Jess said calmly, "it would be awesome for us to get to work together, and on your favorite show ever, no less. So, you may thank me later. You should be getting a phone call soon from one of the producers. Apparently for season four they're overhauling everybody. They mentioned horses and I started talking about you. You're welcome."

That was how my life started. As promised, one of the shows producers called shortly after my conversation with Jess and before I knew it, I was packing my things to leave for Canada. I had already sent my little herd ahead of me and knew I'd see them in Alberta when I arrived on set. I couldn't believe my luck. I was (pending a formal interview with the AMC big wigs) going to be working with the horses on my favorite tv show. Just a little longer and I'd be working with Jess... on a tv show set.

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