Chapter 2: Introducing The New Students; Unexpected Late Arrival

Start from the beginning

"Any questions?" Mr. Scare questions his students. "Yes, Jeff?" Mr. Scare sees the white hand of the lazy student.

"Yeah, Harlie, was it? Why don't you sing your little song for us?" Jeff questions her. Daring her to do it.

"I cannot do that. It would mean your death." Harlie says quietly. And blushing at the thought of singing in a large crowd. Especially since half of the crowd could die.

"Why? You scared?" Jeff pesters her. She bites her lower lip, but refuses to give into his taunting.

"Jeffrey!" Mr. Scare yells at him.

"What?" He questions with a chuckle.

"If someone uses an ability that puts our students in jeopardy than it is banned from use unless told otherwise." Mr. Scare tells the rebellious student, sternly. "Sorry about that, Ms. Johnson. I'm sure we'll see your ability be put to good use soon. Next up is Ms. Scarlet." Mr. Scare says motioning for the blond girl to step forth.

Scarlet mover her eyes around the crowd, hiding herself from them until she gets to know who they are, and to see who is friend material. Until then she shall remain a mystery to them.

"My name is Scarlet the Unknown. I am human, but I was cursed with immortality." She says observing the silent crowd. "My story is really none of your concern. I won't get into detail, but what I can tell you is that I had a normal life once. By normal I mean I was judged and abused at school, but nobody would do a thing about it. Eventually I snapped, and started torturing the ones that tortured me. I found great pleasure in it. They never really know who killed them though. All they will remember even after death is their suffering." She says smiling, and her right eye slightly twitching in insanity. Alice giggles.

"My goodness, I like this girl too!" Scarlet casts her eyes at Alice, and doesn't like how untrustworthy she looks. Deciding then and there that Alice is someone she should avoid. With that far too innocent smile of hers.

"Yes, well any questions?" Mr. Scare questions his students again.

"Me." Silver calls out since he has no arms, so he couldn't raise his hand. The girls all look at the white skinned guy.

"Do you have any victims in mind?" He questions with his black eyes that bleed that try to show some sense of curiosity. His expression is sorrowful, but Scarlet feels this immediate attachment to him. Her heart pounds in the same manner that it does when she is torturing her victims. Yet it also feels sweeter and warmer.

"It's awful being tortured, isn't it?" Silver questions her with a sad smile. Scarlet looks away from his sad eyes, and lightly nods her head. She's sure that he can see them clearly.

"Whine. Whine. If you can't handle the pain, then you shouldn't be a killer." Laughing Jack says looking over at the armless guy sitting next to him. Silver casts his sad eyes towards the smiling gothic clown.

"What did I say about fighting?" Mr. Scare says beginning to lose his patience. Laughing Jack simply does as his name says, and laughs.

"Goodness gracious, you're all a bunch of headaches." Mr. Scare mumbles to himself, but audibly enough for his students to hear. "Alright, next student is Miss Broken." Mr. Scare says to the black-haired girl. Broken steps up, and puts on her broken mask over her eyes. Leaving only her mouth revealed.

"My name is Broken. You shall understand soon why. Human? Monster? It doesn't matter. I am simply a killer." Broken smiles as the topic she likes comes into play. "I was abused and abandoned by my parents in the woods on a cloudy day. Not too long after it started raining and lightning struck the tree closest to me and started a fire. I ran out of the woods and back to my house. I wanted revenge. Since they were about to kill me. I snuck in, grabbed a bat and a knife and killed them. I felt thrilled as they screamed from the torture. I loved it and it led to me wanting to feel the thrill more so I kept killing and killing." Broken explains with satisfaction. She jumps startled at the sound of thunder. She glares over at a laughing Alice.

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