CHAPTER 1 | calm before the storm

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📎A/N. I can't believe we are really here! It's release day!!

Congratulations to @keke10000 for winning Competition 1 for the dedication of the first Chapter of Evolution.

I would like to thank you all so very much for all your support. Without you dear reader I would not have been able to not only complete Masked, but be now starting the third story in the series. I hope you enjoy the journey and this book is dedicated to all of you.

With all my love...

❤ ℳ

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Murphy inhaled and breathed in his surroundings. The air was thick with a mixture of lead, paint thinners and gasoline; interlaced with the impending deluge of rain—and something else he couldn't put his finger on. Careful to remain quiet in case his quarry was nearby, he proceeded with stealth towards the large structure. Every movement he made was precise and calculated as his eyes scanned the vicinity not missing a thing; hearing alert and vigilant for what he couldn't see. His booted footsteps made no sound as he drew closer to his destination.

Decades training with his pack, and his more recent involvement with the F.B.I. had made him wary of any situation in which he didn't have control. This was one of those situations. The area was too exposed and put him at a disadvantage.

Murphy's muscles tensed when the distinctive sharp crack of lightning flashed and lit up the abandoned building. The last remnants of the sun had given up and lain dormant well below the horizon. The full moon hung low and only a slither could be seen behind the heavy rain-clouds as night settled in. His acute hearing strained to pick up any noise or movement that didn't belong. He was eager to get this assignment over with and go home to Boston.

Murphy halted mid-stride. Home? Since when did I start thinking Boston home?

The moment you got over yourself and realised wherever she is—is home.

Murphy rolled his eyes. His wolf had been smug since they had left Kaitlyn's apartment, three days ago. Despite this, he had to agree; he hadn't experienced this level of contentment or joy in years. Much to his surprise, he'd felt that way long before he'd admitted his feeling for her...even to himself.

Kaitlyn was the future he thought he'd been denied when Elijah had viciously murdered June, his mate, four decades ago. With Kaitlyn's help, he had tracked down the werewolf and made him pay for his crimes. June's soul could now rest in peace; and his now belonged to a feisty F.B.I Agent who never ceased to amaze him.

The scurrying of a small field mouse as it ducked for cover from the random drops of rain caught his attention, and he watched its path as it hid beneath a fallen plank of wood. The random beads of water thudded loudly as they hit the dirt. There was no wind or other noise to drown out their contact with the earth. The minute vibrations were eerie against the backdrop of the impending storm and the isolated location.

A grey haze rested over the area and only further illustrated just how desolate this outlying part of town was. In its day, the factory had been the main source of income for those drawn to the small town near Chadron, Nebraska. But that was a generation ago, and since the 1990's, it had lain abandoned. With each passing year, its ability to weather the change of seasons diminished and it now looked ghostly and alone.

The building, a shell of its former glory still retained its structure — barely. Broken glass lay on the ground where local teenagers took it upon themselves to take pot-shots at the windows and removed whatever privacy the old building had. Layers of graffiti caked the walls and had faded with time.

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