1. Welcome to Lakewood

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01.| Welcome to Lakewood

Alyssa Lane never thought Nina Patterson would go this far. She knew Nina was a bad human being,  but to post a video of her best friend, one that she didn't want online. That was crossing the line. When she first found out of this video, she was furious. Noah had tried to calm her down, but that ended up in her punching his arm, really hard. 

Alyssa had been friends with Noah since grade school. They met when Noah was getting beat up and Alyssa came in and yelled the boys to scram. He always reminded her of that moment when they met as if she'd ever forget it. She met Audrey through Noah once they'd reached high school. Once they were together it just clicked. The group was inseparable, always together no matter what happened. They stood by each other at the worst times in one of their lives.

Audrey and Noah were at the video game store when they heard of the video upload. A video of their very friend, Audrey Jensen, making out with catholic school girl, Rachel Murray. They were both shocked, not by the fact of their best friend kissing a girl, but the fact that they were not informed ahead of time. They then focused on the part where it was uploaded onto the internet and it certainly wasn't uploaded by Audrey. Both Alyssa and Noah tried finding who and where the video was uploaded from, but they were lead to a dead end. 


The next morning, Alyssa was standing at her closet, deciding on what to wear for that day. She then heard her phone start ringing, a loud ding sound on repeat, signalling that she had an incoming phone call. She looked at the screen for the caller ID, noticing that it was Noah. Alyssa picked up the phone, not wanting Noah to wait any longer.

"Hey, what's up?" She said, still unsure of what to wear. "Just wondering if you still want me to pick you up?" Noah asked, Alyssa hearing the sound of him quickly getting into his car. 

"Um well that might be a problem, unless your willing to wait?" She said picking out a light grey t-shit and some high-waisted jeans. She put the phone on speaker and settled it on her bed while she struggled to put on her jeans. 

"Still not ready yet huh?" He said, with a chuckle that made Alyssa roll her eyes, even though she knew it was true. Noah always made fun of how long she took every morning standing at her closet door deciding of what to wear. He knew everything about her, as did she of him. 

"Just come and pick me up." She said, rolling her eyes once again and ending the call, as she rushing to the bathroom to do some quick touch ups.


Noah and Alyssa walked into school, well Noah walked while Alyssa struggled to get out of the car. Her book-bag heavy with last night calculus homework, requiring to take huge textbooks home. Noah then noticed that Alyssa wasn't next to him and turned around to see her about to fall to the floor. he ran towards her and quickly caught her as he began to laugh. 

"You know you could've asked me to carry it for you." He said, taking the book-bag off her shoulders and holding it for her. 

"I didn't want to be a bother." said Alyssa, truthfully feeling as if Noah does too much for her and feeling bad towards it.  "You're never a bother" He said, putting an arm around her shoulders and continued walking into school together.

Most people wonder if Noah and Alyssa were together, always being asked this question, even by Audrey when they first became friends. They weren't together though, they're just joined to the hip and love protecting one another no matter what. Alyssa and Noah had made a promise to each other in grade school to always protect the other no mater what the cost and it always comes to mind.

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