Character Profile

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Name: Daicellyn Arjett (pronounced Day-cell-in Arr-jet)

Age: 14

Gender: Female

District: 6

Appearance: Daicellyn's fair skin is a stark contrast against her obsidian black hair, which falls in waves to midway down her spine. Her blue-grey eyes, which are round and massive, are better described as pools of young innocence that haven't yet been destroyed by the horrors of the games. Her small nose is dotted with freckles, and her dusty pink lips and white teeth suit her well. Her soft, narrow face sits upon scrawny yet strong shoulders. She'd be very pretty if it weren't for her crooked, lopsided smile that would suit a four year old better than her. This is why she's rarely caught with a smile on her face, since others in her district call it ugly and weird. Daicellyn's short, just reaching over 5 foot 1 (155cm), without a single curve to her name. She's got long arms and jagged elbows, with strong legs and feet that despite being light and delicate, always seem to be getting in the way.

Personality: Although her diagnosis isn't formal, Daicellyn is almost certain to have Asperger's Syndrome, something that shows in her personality. She's very honest and fair, and doesn't hesitate to correct others if they're doing something wrong. She struggles to show empathy, and understand how others are feeling. She doesn't like change, preferring to stick to rules and routines. It's easy to tell when she's upset or scared, since she curls up into a ball with her head down. Trust is hard to earn, but if you do, she makes for a very loyal ally who'd never betray you.
Daicellyn is a selfless girl who thinks of other people a lot, but she can be self centred at times without even realising. She's also very kind and a true sweetheart, always trying her best to make people happy, even if she doesn't fully understand the word. Beware though, she has a short temper, particularly when things aren't done her way. These explosive outbursts of anger, combined with the little empathy she shows, could make her a strong killer if influenced enough. She has a few self esteem issues due to teasing by her school peers. Daicellyn's got an above average intelligence, and likes to use an extensive vocabulary when speaking, though she struggles to express herself through words, preferring visual communication.
Daicellyn has very narrow interests, but she does have four things that she's very interested in: art, particularly drawing, her yo-yo collection, what few toys she has, and her family. She's never happier than when sharing her interests with other people, but she can sometimes forget that people don't share the same interests as her. She strives to do everything correctly, since she feels that contributes to someone's overall happiness.

Background: Daicellyn is the youngest out of the five children in her family, with four older brothers: Calix, 16, Merlyn, 17, Helix, 19, and Dustan, 22, whom adore her. She did have five older brothers, but the fifth one, Easton, was reaped for the 167th hunger games at the age of 12. Daicellyn was 6 at the time and doesn't remember him at all, despite everyone else in her home remembering him. Talk of Easton in her house has always been forbidden, everyone going around with tight lips and unshed tears in their eyes. Daicellyn often dreams about him at night without even realising it.
Daicellyn doesn't have many people aside from her brothers in her life, since her parents don't understand her, and she doesn't have any friends due to relentless teasing at school and her oddities. There's also Esther, Dustan's girlfriend, who's 21 and often stays over with the Arjett family. She and Daicellyn bond over their love of drawing, and is one of the few people she can comfortably talk to. Daicellyn's parents, if you could even call them that, barely do anything when it comes to raising their own flesh and blood, so the boys and Daicy (as her brothers call her), have learnt to fend for themselves. Helix and Dustan both work two jobs, and Calix and Merlyn both work one, along with school. The family manages to live a reasonable life, in their five-bedroom house. Daicellyn goes to school, but only hangs around her old brothers rather than the other children. They all want to be her friend at first, but once they get to know who she really is, they just desert her.
Daicellyn doesn't fully understand what the games actually are; all she knows is that every year, a boy and girl from her district are taken to the Capitol to be in a competition, but only one goes back home. The rest go to this special place called 'Heaven', where they live in peace forever. She knows her brother is up there, in Heaven, but doesn't understand why other people don't like the games, since everyone either goes to Heaven or comes home. Her brothers would always cover her eyes and ears when they're forced to watch the games, but Daicellyn doesn't understand why. But they can't protect her now. She'll have to find out for herself.

Daicellyn's really good at quickly finding hiding spots.
She's a strong runner, both speed and long distance.
She's very good at following instructions and going through with plans, as well as coming up with her own.
She's learnt to fend for herself by watching her brothers take charge of the family.
She's got a fine eye for detail, and can spot even the most minute details or changes.

Daicellyn tires very easily when it comes to weights
She severely lacks social intelligence (such as holding conversations and reading body language).
She doesn't cope well with change.
She can be easily influenced if she's surrounded by the wrong people.
She's often very clumsy.
She doesn't have much experience with being outdoors, since there's little to no nature in District 6.

Token: A green yo-yo with rainbow string. It's her favourite out of all the ones she has in her collection. She loves yo-yos because things in life goes down a lot, but you can always count on things to come back up again.

Drawn/Volunteered: Drawn

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