Chapter 2

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[A/N: Good news people! I decided to turn this into a real fanfiction! I'm currently working on the next few chapters, so you can expect maybe weekly updates, but it probably won't be regularly because I will have the last bit of final exams soon and then all those graduation parties, ceremonies etc. so I can't promise anything! Side note: The pirates mentioned in the story (William Ampleforth and Augustus Brooks) are made up by me and didn't exist!]


I was disappointed when he didn't show up. I really thought that he would, but he didn't. Instead I spend my whole evening and night wishing that it would be him entering my bar every time the door opened. But he never came and I found myself downing a couple of drinks in the hope that the feeling of disappointment would drown. I even thought about just letting myself get laid by a complete stranger but then I decided against it, because I knew I'd regret it sooner or later. Probably sooner.
I was cleaning the last few tables when Paul announced that he'd be going home.
"Alright Lucy, I'm heading home. Good night," he wished and gave me a smile.
"Good night, Paul. See you tomorrow," I said and gave a smile back. After he had disappeared I sighed.
"Stupid Sam," I cursed to myself. "This stupid, irresistible and charming being."
I finished cleaning and then threw the dishrag in the sink out of anger.
"I had to let myself get wrapped around his finger," I continued my rant. It didn't take long until I had done everything that I needed and could finally head home.
My apartment wasn't really big but it was comfortable and I didn't need more. There was enough room for all my books, vinyl records and my furniture, so there really wasn't any need for more room. I threw my bag and jacket in a corner, not bothering to hang them up because I was way too tired to care. That evening had been exhausting, especially since I couldn't get my thoughts off Sam. I was on my way to my bed when I suddenly heard a loud thud behind me.
"Do you have scotch by any chance?" a husky voice asked behind me. Even if I somehow recognized the voice, my reflex was faster than my brain. I turned around and punched the man in the face. He groaned in pain and dropped on his knees. That's when I saw that it was Sam.
"Oh my God, Sam!" I exclaimed shocked and bend down to him. His nose was bleeding and he was holding it in pain.
"Damn darling, you've got a mean right hook," he said and looked at the blood that was on his fingers from his nose.
"Oh God, I'm so sorry! I didn't know that it was you!" I tried to explain and helped him to sit on a nearby chair.
"Well, I should've guessed that entering through your window maybe wasn't the best idea," he admitted and shrugged his shoulders. I quickly went in the bathroom and came back with a wet towel.
"Here, let me see," I said and he took the hand away from his nose. It was bleeding pretty badly and I felt really bad for punching him. But I totally blame my reflexes for this one. I started to clean the blood from his nose while he was looking around in my apartment.
"How did you get to my window?" I asked curiously.
"Climbing," he simply answered as if it wasn't a big deal.
"I live in the third floor, how did you do that?"
"Darling, I've got quite the experience in climbing buildings, this wasn't anything major."
I scoffed and wondered if he had climbed buildings before to get to a woman but decided against asking.
"How did you know where I live anyway?" it suddenly shot through my head. We had spent the last night at his apartment and I haven't told him where I lived.
"Uh, I did some research," he explained and smiled at me. "The internet really is a fantastic invention."
I cleaned the last bits of blood away from his nose and then looked at him.
"It should be all right now," I said and went in the bathroom to wash out at least a bit of the blood. When I came back Sam was browsing through the books on my shelf. I looked at him for a few seconds and smiled. It felt really great to have met someone that shared my passion for history. Even if his passion lay more in pirates, after all they were part of history, too. I could've watched him for hours but then I remembered that I was actually mad at him for not showing up at the bar.
"Why didn't you show up tonight?" I asked with disappointment in my tone. He turned around a little surprised and then walked closer to me.
"Yeah, I'm really sorry about that but my buddy and me were really busy with this pirate misery," he explained and put his hands on my cheeks.
"Which pirate misery?" I asked, now more wanting to know about the misery than why he didn't come. And I think he knew that and that's why he mentioned it. He'll get away with it this time.
"I want a kiss first," he demanded and smiled. I rolled my eyes but went on my tiptoes and kissed his lips. First I intended it to be just a quick peck but he had something else in mind, because he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. The kiss grew deeper and more passionately, which caused me to completely forget what we were talking about and get lost in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands traveled under my shirt. Shortly after we were lying on my bed with barely any clothes on. He was planting kisses all over my body while I just couldn't believe the luck I was in that moment.

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