"We're almost there." Courtney repeated in a whisper as she accelerated.


In a run, passing Alex and Izzie, Courtney arrived in the locker room and joined three shocked interns. Meredith, Cristina and George were staring at the two, who were talking and laughing, not being able to believe that Izzie was fraternizing with the enemy. While they were talking about how weird and unusual it was, Courtney was getting ready and put her light blue scrubs on. After taking Ivory to the emergency room and waiting with her till a doctor arrived, she was surprised that she would even be on time. She had mentally prepared herself for Bailey yelling at her for being late.

"Guys, please; I know that it's weird to see Alex being a nice person and all, but isn't this a little bit much? Even though he's the literal spawn of Satan, he's honestly not that bad." Courtney spoke up, all eyes turning on her. The blonde rolled her eyes and continued. "I've been talking with Alex for a while now – I still hate his guts sometimes – and he's a good guy once his walls are teared down. You just need to give him time."

"I didn't know that you and Alex were on speaking terms?"

"Well, we are."

"Make the lamb stop screaming." George whispered, his puppy eyes widening. Miranda Bailey entered the locker room minutes later, letting her interns know that they needed to hurry and follow her. They did just that. Alex walked close to Bailey with Courtney next to him, while the others followed behind as they were gossiping about Karev himself. Izzie and was trying to stand up for him, letting them know that Alex had his good moments.

"Why were you so late this morning? You're never late." Alex suddenly asked her. "Oh, wait, let me guess: you were with your boyfriend, having sex somewhere in one of the on-call rooms?"

"No! We aren't even dating yet. We did kiss though, the other night." Courtney smiled as she thought back to her first kiss with Ashley. They had went on another date and that time Ash had picked up Courtney. He had brought her to another restaurant which she had never heard about. After sharing a wonderful evening together, they kissed for the first time on Courtney's porch, not knowing that Meredith and Izzie were squealing inside like little girls as they saw it all happen. "I actually went for a run this morning. In the park, I ran into a woman, who had broken her foot, so I brought her here and waited with her until a doctor arrived."

"Saint Courtney to the rescue." Alex chuckled, but said nothing about Courtney's kiss with Ashley. She couldn't help but wonder why, since he always had an opinion about her dating life. He turned around to face the others – more specifically Meredith. "Hey Greys. Izzie was telling me you have tapes of your mom performing surgery. I'd kill to see the Ellis Grey in action."

"Hey you know what? Maybe you can come over tonight and we can all watch it together? Right?" Izzie suggested, but Meredith, Cristina and George obviously didn't agree, which was visible by the disbelieving look on their faces. The eldest sister quickly objected to the idea, while the younger one shrugged her shoulders. She didn't really mind Alex coming over to watch the tapes.

"Yeah, run away pig boy." Cristina, being her usual friendly self, said. George had a moment of realization and stopped in front of Izzie with widened eyes. Luckily, Courtney and Alex had already continued moving and didn't heard a word about Izzie's possible crush.

"Are we saving lives or having a tea party? Walk faster people." Miranda Bailey stated, after she had noticed that her other four interns were not behind her like they were supposed to. They quickly rushed towards their resident, dropping the subject of Izzie and Alex being together. Bailey and her group of interns entered Mr. Gaston's, where Burke was already there waiting for them. The six interns surrounded the patient's bed side, listening to what Preston was saying.

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