Beggar Boy

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Coast of Persia , 2 weeks ago

The seashore of the Persian coast wasloitered with tents on its sandy beaches. Small huts housing  the finest army Athens had ever seen. A triumphant army, that was at this moment celebrating a well deserved victory.

    Men sat around the fire roasting pork and drinking ale and mourning the loss of their comrades in armswhile rejoicing finally being able to return home to their wives.

    General Alexio lay on a hammock gazing up at the stars. The smell of roast meats and sugared fruits lingered over to him, tempting but not enough to rouse him from his current position. His army had won. They would all be returning home toAthens in the morning to rejoice with their families. But it wasn't a happy occasion in Alexio's eyes. War was not something he could ever take lightly. Long after his boots had walked off the battlefield, he could still hear the cries of dying men, smell their blood soaking the dirt.

    Alexio was young, the youngest commander Athens had ever seen. No doubt there had been doubts of hisability to lead an army. However as soon as the men saw him on the battlefield they became inspired. No one fought with more heart and soul than Alexio. Others fought for country, for honor. Alexio cared not for Athens and he had no thirst for honor. He was fighting to bring his men home from the torrid of war.

    Alexio felt his hammock shake and started, reaching for the sword at his side. He came face to face with Claudius, his second in command and a man more than twice his age. Claudius was a stout man with gruff tufts of facial hair and athirst for wine. He was always in jolly spirits and was happy as the other men to return home to Athens. He had three children there and his wife was expecting a fourth on the way.

    He chuckled merrily, slapping Alexio's back in good spirits. "The spirits of war vex you my lord. Come,join us around the fire. We are just thanking the Gods for our victory and praying for safe journey home."

Alexio smiled at his army men who were singing a Greek hymn while raising their goblets to the heavens.Alexio was not a very religious man. He believed in the Gods simply because he had to however he, like any man, also had his doubts.

"Thank them then for the both of us, my dear Claudius," He said, turning back to gaze at the stars, "I have prayed enough on the battlefield." Claudius frowned, moving his thick, ungainly limbs to sit down on the hot, coarse sand beside Alexio.

"What troubles you, troubles me, my lord," He said, speaking with the devotion of a brother or sire, "Will you trust in me to share your strife?" Over by the fire, a loud whoop rang out in the air followed by the sound of raucous laughter. Alexio laughed at the longing in Claudius' eyes.

"I shall trust in you to run along and get exceptionally drunk and join in our comrades' merry. You fought well, Claudius. I could never have asked for a better second-in-command," Despite the gap in their ages, there had never been any bad blood between Claudius and Alexio which might be expected when a younger man is given a position of power over the elder. Their relationship was one of mutual love and respect. Claudius was the closest thing to a brother that Alexio had ever had.

Claudius smiled, showing two rows of crooked, yellowing teeth.

"Ay, my lord," he teased, "As you command." Alexio threw his head back and laughed. A swift, salty breeze picked up off the shore and tousled his hair. It felt cool against his heated flesh.

The respect with which he was showered now had not been easily earned and it was something Alexio had to prove himself worthy of every day.

He had been born the sun of nobles. His mother and father being respected members of a high ranking class and trusted advisors to his majesty, King Demetrios, father of Octavius. Alexio had still been a babe when his father was stripped of all his lands and titles. He had heard different variations of the same story, and had come to deduce himself from bits and pieces what was the truth.

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