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A promise to Brian Williams promising Amy and Rory would not meet fates like other companions. Strike one.

Promising Clara Oswin Oswald that she would not die. Strike two.

Jessie sure as hell isn't about to break promise three: find and protect the original Clara Oswald at all costs.

And the Doctor sure as hell isn't about to let Jessie fall to insanity the rest of the way.


Oh, this is cheery, isn't it? Let the fun of the Oswald Era begin!

So, Jessie's gone from swashbuckling pirate to a cold, perfect soldier. Her dark hair has been dyed blonde and is worn in a braid over her shoulder. She still has yet to choose her Series 7 Part 2 outfit, but it's definitely all black. ;) She still has her American accent, still has her grey eyes, is still portrayed by Alexandra Daddario, and her theme is still "Warlords" by Audiomachine.

I cannot tell you how excited I have been to get to this point of the story. :) Let's get going!

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