''Hey you guys-'' I stop my sentence when I walk out of the dressing room seeing no one else except Theo sitting on the chairs by the dressing rooms on his phone texting.He looks up at me with a shocked expression I suddenly feel more insecure crossing my arms over my chest trying to cover my self but failing. ''Sorry- um- W-where's Riley and Mel?'' I ask feeling awkward.

''Uh they got hungry and went to the food court.'' He replies nervous and there's awkward silence. ''The dress- it looks- I mean yeah it- looks great.'' I feel my cheeks turn red I look down hiding it.

''It looks ridiculous come on.'' I laugh.

''Maya you have to remember that one day we are gonna die, were gonna be in a casket and do you really think were gonna think wow I'm so glad I was pure, or I studied every day or that I didn't buy that beautiful dress that made me look more beautiful than I already am because I'm scared of what people will think.'' We both smile at each other and I guess you can tell that I bought the dress after that and Mel is right I can always return it afterwards.We Meet Riley and Mel in the foodcourt and leave the Mall.

We all get into the black ranger with Theo driving,Riley and Mel in the back and me in the passenger seat making it awkward I choose to ignore it while acting interested on my phone. I watched as time passed and complete silence in the car it had now been twenty minutes and I'm starting to think that Theo has no idea where we are going.

"Mel are you sure you reading the instruction right?" Theo asks the brunette while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah it clearly says Lockwood dri- oh wait- my phone is set to California." We all groan.

"Seriously?!" Theo and I exclaim in usion.

"It's not my fault Steve jobs didn't perfect iPhones before he died." Mel rolled her eyes.

"I'll just check my phone." I announce I look at my phone and notice no service at the top of the screen. I huff in annoyance.

"Great we get zero service here." I tell everyone.

"This is like one of those scary movies like where the group of friends go on a road trip for one last hurrah but the car brakes down in the middle of the woods but they find a open cabin and the cabin turns out to be haunted and some weird psycho man says wanna play a game and we all gotta try to make it out of the game alive and in the end we all end up eating each other." Riley rambles in fear leaving us with confused looks.

"I'm sorry what kinda movies are you watching?" Mel asks Riley confused.

"I would watch it." Theo adds causing me to laugh.

"Seriously you guys what now?" I ask. Everyone just mumbles they have no idea or I don't know.

"Maybe if I just keep going down this road there will be a exit or something." Theo suggest. fifteen minutes later there was no exit and we were out of gas. I looked at my phone and luckily it was only three pm and we didn't have to leave for the dinner till seven. ''It's fine I'll call roadside assistance we'll be out of here in no time.'' Theo says.

''Yeah how do you plan on doing that with no phone service smart ass.'' Mel rolls her eyes at him.

''I think there was a telephone booth a couple miles back.'' Riley informs us.

''Ok great Riley and Mel you's go back there to look for a phone booth, Theo and I will walk ahead looking for as well.'' We all spilt up Theo and I start to walk.The walk is silent no cars in sight and the only sound you can hear are the bird chirping and leaves crunching beneath us.The scenery change is different than the crowded fast life of New York.It's nice to just walk outside and hear quite to have nature and the beautiful sky with a million stars in the sky that you can stare at all night.

As we walk in silence I am reminded that Josh and Theo are so much alike but so similar.They look alike with tattoos covering there arms, there perfect quaffed hair and that smirk planted on there face.There lifestyles are the same the fast life that's what they live by.Smoking, Alcohol, the lights the clubs the girls.High during the day higher at night.The question that always crosses my mind is how?

How can Josh come from such a loving family and turn out the way he is.His little siblings are the nicest people I ever met in my life and always obey Cory and Toping and Josh...Well he's the complete opposite from Riley and Auggie. Why is he the way he is?

''Can I ask you something?'' The words come out of my mouth that I immediately regret.

''Sure.'' He replies.I'm about to tell him never mind and forget it but realize what do I got to loose?

''Dose Josh ever talk about why he is the way he is?I mean his bad boy ways I guess.'' We stop walking and look at each other.

''He don't really talk about himself that much or like ever.But I guess everyone has stories that are untold.As you get older, you really start to understand more about why peopled drink the night away, smoke there lungs black or throw themselves off buildings.'' His serious expression and slow words bring chills over my body.The way Theo represents himself and talks with such wit it draws me closer to him.I'm so caught up in my thoughts I don't realize that were leaning in closer to each other but what I do is much worst...I don't stop I continue leaning in and it feels like forever until our lips are finally touching.

(A/N Ahhhh! Don't hate me! Hate Maya! Jk don't hate Maya that's my little baby cinnamon bun.I promise more Joshaya moments in the next chapter and the drama that's about to come is gonna be lit! Be prepared to be at the edge of you're seat. Also two chapters in one day! I think round of applause for me. Thank you. Thank you.

Also please comment and vote it really makes me happy and feel so much better thanks babes!

The bad boy's weakness {Joshaya} Where stories live. Discover now