Ch 3

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Unknown P.O.V

I walked into Andy's house. This was the perfect time to fuck shit up. A smirk grew on my face. My dear Andy should have known it was going to happen. He left ME for that woman then that.. That THING he calls a lover. It was supposed to be me! Not him! I grabbed one of Andy's bats and began to smash the walls and mirrors. I ripped all of their clothes. I began to vandalize everything they owned. Luckily nobody was home. Ashley had been in the hospital for 5 days. He was in risk for suicide. I laughed. I tampered with his breaks. Now maybe Andy will leave him and come to me. I became quiet as I heard someone come inside. I needed to hide.

Jinxx P.o.v.

I came into the house. I dropped the bags I was carrying. Andy's house... Was.. Vandalized. I quickly ran up the stairs into every room. "FUCK!" I yelled as I pulled out my phone to text Andy. This had to be Juliet. Ever since Andy left her she became jealous of Ashley. I texted Andy.

A- Andy

J- Your house was broken into!
A- what do you mean?
J- someone broke everything in your house!
A- who was it?! Do you know?!
J- I think it was Juliet. Ever since you two broke up she's gone psycho!
A- I'll see if someone can stay here with Ashley while I come over. Thanks.
J- hurry I think she may be here still.

I put my phone in my pocket and went through ever room. "Juliet! Come out here!" I yelled. This was taking it to far. I went into Andy and Ashley's room. I gasped as I saw all of their clothes. They were all shredded. I looked around more. On the wall the wallpaper was torn as words were in it. The writing was sloppy and hard to make out. I stopped as I heard noises coming from the bathroom. I slowly crept into the bathroom. Nobody was there only a coverse sneaker.

Andy's P.o.v

I quickly got to the house. I ran inside and looked around. The house was a mess. I ran up the stairs. It was worse. The walls had been broken. I ran upstairs. Anger filled my head all I could think about was rage, hate.. Anger. Whoever did this.. I walked into my room. Anger filled every part of me. This was.. Her doing not Juliet.. Scout. I looked around. A hello kitty I had gotten Ashley last week was now torn and stuffing was everywhere. "Andy?" I heard Jinxx call. I turned around. Jinxx stood there with a converse sneaker. "It was Juliet.." He said. I shook my head. "No.. Juliet is on world tour.. There is no way she could come here." I said. "There's only Scout.. She did it." I held my head down low. "What are you gonna do?" Jinxx asked. "What about Ashley.. This is his home too.." I looked at Jinxx. "I'm going to a hotel with Ashley then.. I'll get a contractor to come and fix the house." I said. "I don't care how long it takes.. This has gone to far.." I looked down at my phone which was now vibrating. "Unknown number?" I answered it. "Hello?" A girls giggle was on the other line. "Hello dear Andy. Did you like the present I got you?" I looked at Jinxx as I put the phone on speaker. "What do you want from me... Scout?" I asked. She giggled. "Oh no, it's not what I want it's what I need." I sighed. "Scout.. That's the same thing." "Shut up!" She snapped. "You are going to leave that lover of yours. Do not tell him why. Just know that if you don't, your loved ones and fans will slowly die one by one." I put my finger to my lips signaling Jinxx to be quiet. "Scout. You don't scare me. You are a no good dirty cheating liar" I growled. I ended the call. "Jinxx." I said. "Go to the hospital. Call everybody. Security.. Jake, CC.. Tell them that a war is coming." I said. "Nobody threatens my Purdy boy" I said. I opened a drawer of my dresser and moved the clothes. There was a pistol with rounds. "I am going to end this.. Once and for all." I said.

Sorry for the long update. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I love all of you who have read this chapter. Smut will come later lovelys.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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