The Text

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Elizabeth's P.O.V

Omg is all I could say after last night I can't believe that Diana's pregnant and I just found out not to long ago that mya and Bruno are engaged and to top it all off Nash is now my boyfriend  

Jacob's P.O.V

Elizabeth is in the shower and her phone was unlocked on the bed so I picked it up and look at the first contact :

😍😙👄💋boyfriend 💋👄😙😍

At first I thought it was a little joke so I was fine and then I saw the last text he sent and it said will you be my girlfriend and she said yes I got so mad that I took her phone and slammed it on the wall after I that I look at the phone it was fine but it had a huge line across The front of the Phone so then I yelled and told Elizabeth that I was going to take her phone to get fixed because it fell of the bed

Elizabeth's P.O.V

Jacob took my phone so now I did not know what to do today so then I seen that that Jacob left his phone so I unlocked it the password was my name but I brushed it aside the I looked at his last text which said I'm breakingup with you and then kamila says back I know you like her but she's going to pay after I read that I got scared and I put down his phone  where it was before then I got dressed and I picked up darcy ( I canged it so that the she is real and not fake) and fed her then gave her some juice and got here dressed in the same outfit as me the teacher said that if the kids are older they can tell them how they treated so we had to
Change everything but it was fine and she loves us and we are really happy that she is having a good time with us when we were done getting ready me and darcy took some selfies then Jacob came though the door and darcy started screaming daddy's home then he picks her up and gives her a kiss then he gives me my phone then I start to look at my messages and I see that Nash text me to meet him a little later than I see that someone answered him back for me say that I'm busy so then Jacob came up to me and asked me if we can go with him to the movie premier of pets so I said yes then I hear my phone ring so I picked it up and the I heard kimila voice say your going to pay buy taking darcy to you house and move out his house if you don't do that then I will tell Nash that you are cheating on him

Darcy room on bottom as well as the outfit they were waring on top and the bottom to make sure

Darcy room on bottom as well as the outfit they were waring on top and the bottom to make sure

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