"Awwww..." Kaori pouted "You guys look are soo cute, especially you and Minato"

"WA-" We both exclaimed "EWW! NO!!!"

She giggled "I'm just joking..."

I sighed in relief as I gazed at the sky. And for some reason, everything changed...like I was back to my childhood times...

The dull, grey sky faded again to the clear, blue, bright sky. The booming, irritating car noises turned to the sweet chirping of my old friends...I'm back...

"Oi dreamhead!" Minato tapped me "You look weird when you space out..."

"Be quiet..." I muttered "I was having a moment..."

He shrugged and continued to chat with Gray...

"Wait!" Gray realised "We should take a pic!"

"You mean a selfie?" Kaori corrected him 

He nodded sarcastically "Yea, that..."

He took his phone out as we gathered to fit in the photo. Gray was at the front (with the phone), me behind him, Minato next to me (behind Kousei), Koari next to Gray to the left and Kousei next to Kaori.



"Yay! Send it to me!" Kousei suggested as Gray nodded 

"Me too!" Kaori joined

"Same here!" Mianto and I spoke at the same time

I looked at him puzzled, then started giggling. Suddenly, he chuckled a bit...wait, WHAT?! I've never seen him chuckle before! He's kind of...cute...

"Oooooo..." Kaori wiggled her eyebrows "Minato's chuckling because of you..."

"What?!" My face started to heat up "Shut up!!!"

How can I stop Koari from teasing me with Mianto? Wait...yes...

"Okay..." I smirked "How about you and Kouaei huh? Anything new?"

"WA-" Her face started to look red "N-nothing has h-happened!"

"That's right! Nothing happened to us!" Kousei defended her

"Why are you defending here Kousei?" Minato questioned him

"Be quiet!" Kousei shouted as he blushed slightly

All of a sudden, Gray coughed to get our attentions.

"You know I'm a loner here..." He spoke "Come on...it's nearly class..."

"Maybe you need a girl..." Kousei suggested "How about Juvia?"

"Her!" Gray exclaimed "I will never fall in love with that stalker!"

 3:59pm-after school, in the public park

"Hey! Give me back my violin!" Kaori chased Kousei around the park

Kousei giggled as he ran "Well, you better get it yourself!"

I watched them as they bolted around the park God knows how many times they went around. I giggled as I sat down on the bench next to Minato...

"Do you know where Gray is?" I questioned him

"He's under the tree...shirtless, again..." He answered

My eyes twiched again "Why does he need to take his top off?"

We sat there in silence. It was kind of awkward since I had nothing to say...

"Umm..." I broke the silence "Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead..." He spoke "To keep my company, what is it?"

"Gray told me that you only had one friend in your other country..." I explained "Do you remember anything of your friend?"

He stared somewhere and didn't respond. Dammit..what did I do?

"Not a lot..." He answered "It was a 'she'..."

"I'm listening..." I wanted to know all about her...

"She was like a sister to me...well, an annoying sister..." He spoke which made me giggle a bit "However, she was always there for me, no matter where I would go. She was like my guardian angel."

"She must have been beautiful..." I muttered

"I don't really remember her face, since the last time I saw her was 10 years ago..." He continued "But I could remember her lithe, black, long hair. It was up to her knees...sometimes I think of how she can live with that much hair..."

"Wow..." I was shocked, that much hair...

"I really hope she didn't cut her hair..." He sighed 

"Do you at least know her name?" I questioned him again

"Well, I forgot her real name..." He exclaimed (which made me facepalm) "But I do remember her nickname..."

"Which is?" I released the facepalm

"Her nickname was-"

"Got it- ahhh!!!" Kaori tripped on top of Kousei which they fell on the bench

"AAHH!" I shrieked 

I opened my eyes to feel an arm around my waist. I looked up to see Mianto hugging me with my back against his chest...he was hugging me...

"Are you okay?" He looked at me concerned

"O-oh...y-yea...thanks..." I started blushing 

"HA!" Kaori stood up "I got my violin-...Nami, Minato...what are you doing?"

I realised that we were still in the position "U-ummm..."

I got out of Minato's arms as I tried to hide my blush...


"BE QUIET!!!" I interrupted her "I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY...SO DON'T SAY IT!!!!"

She giggled "I'm only joking you know, you don't need to over react that much..."

"I'm not-"

Then I thought...I was over reacting...why?

Kousei sighed "Let's go...Kaori and I have to practice...lets go!"

Kaori nodded as they went to his house...

"I'll be going as well.." Minato announced as he stood up to leave

"I could drop you off if you w-" 

"Nah...it's okay..." He interrupted him "I'm off..."

I stared at him as he walked out of the park...

"Let's go..." Gray placed his hand on my shoulder "My lady..."

I smiled at him as we headed to his car...but for some reason, I felt really upset...I don't know why... I held my waist as we walked. Suddenly, I remember Minato hand on my waist..wait, why? 

"You okay..." Gray questioned

I nodded as I sat in the car...I gazed at the car window as the memory of that moment repeated in my mind. Why am I like this? 

Why do I miss Minato hugging me?

A/N: Okay, this was a long one...I didn't know it was this long....guess I got carried away...

Anyways next chapter will be coming next week...see ya then!

Juvia- Fairy Tail (basically Grays' partner in the fandom...)   

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