11 Meet and Greets With A Side of Unhappiness

Start from the beginning

"Well, I'll be going. Nice to meet you Zara, Lia, I am going to kill you but for now, here's a parting gift." He kissed my cheek before jumping out of the booth and running passed the shop window. Zara and I laughed the whole time he was running and the majority of the way back to her house.

"Honestly though, what did you think of him?" I asked a little nervous for the answer.

"Oh he's great, I really like him." Zara said simply. I squinted at her in response.

"Where's the rest of the answer?" I asked suspiciously.

"I think that you two are adorable together, but-"

"Oh here we go." I mumbled under my breath.

"But he called me miss scary-pants! No one gets away with that." She exclaimed as we walked into her front door. I laughed at that but stopped once she continued. "Also, another thing that may cause a massive issue is your brothers. What are they going to say when they find out? You'll die!"

"Zara, they will not find out." I said sternly, ensuring that she understood. She nodded at me and threw me some spare clothes that I had left here before.

"What are you going to do about his clothes?" She asked once I was almost ready to go. I looked at the clothes that were neatly folded on the bed, next to the ones I wore yesterday in the bag.

"Do you have a bag that is big enough to fit two outfits that's also not see-through?" I asked as I brushed through my hair with her brush. She nodded and left the room as I brushed my hair into a high ponytail. She put Danny's clothes at the bottom of the bag and put mine on top to hide them. We got into her car and drove back to my place. "You coming in or leaving?" I asked once we stopped in front of my house.

"Leaving, I have a feeling you are going to die and I don't particularly want to experience that yet."

"Yet. Alright whatever. See you soon then." I gave her a small smile as I left the car and looked up at the house. I opened the front door and was bombarded with loud voices all shouting at each other in the kitchen. I dropped my bag off in my room unnoticed before standing in the doorway of the kitchen to see my parents angrily holding up their coats and yelling at my brothers. Mel was also holding her perfume. I snickered as I remembered what happened and quickly snapped a picture of them, sending it to Zara and Danny.

"Well if none of you are owning up to ruining our very expensive coats and my perfume, who did do it?" Mel shouted at the five boys who either looked shocked or pissed that the blame was pinned on them.

"It was probably Nick. He likes pulling pranks." Leo pointed at the youngest of the boys.

"No it wasn't! It was probably you because you're blaming it on me!" Nick shouted back. Soon enough an all out brawl had started in my kitchen, everyone blaming each other.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shouted over all of the voices. Everyone turned to look at me with shock written on their faces. "Bloody hell guys, you're all giving me a headache." I walked into the room and through my brothers to grab an apple and sit on the counter.

"Glad to see you're finally home. Where have you been?" James asked me angrily.

"I was at Zara's, you know that." I took a bite out of the large green apple in my hand.

"That is no excuse for being home so late." Liam butted in.

"It's only one. You're lucky I even came home." I said between bites.

"You should know better than to go out without permission, or at least tell us where you're going." Leo added. I rolled my eyes at that one.

"What am I? Three? No, I'm sixteen. I can go out without asking for permission."

"You should have at least kept us updated whilst you were out." Josh said with easy eyes.

"Oh my god, I get it. I'm sorry I left without telling you guys first." I groaned out whilst throwing my apple core over Nick and into the bin. I did a mental happy dance when it actually got in. "Now that we have that out of the way, why were you guys all arguing before I came in?" I asked already knowing full well what had happened.

"Someone ruined mum and dad's expensive coats and mum's perfume." Nick grumbled. "It was NOT me!" He exclaimed at the end.

"If it wasn't any of us, who was it?" Leo asked looking around the room. His eyes landed on my form trying to hide a smile. Everyone followed his gaze to see me full on grinning like a maniac and letting a few giggles slip through.

"Wow, feeling the love guys." I said sarcastically once I had successfully swallowed my laughter.

"How DARE YOU?" Chris shouted at me in complete rage.

"Out of all the stupid and irresponsible things you've ever done, this is by far the worst." Mel seethed. I scoffed.

"Oh yeah because you would totally know about how stupid and irresponsible I am, wouldn't you? YOU ARE NEVER HERE TO KNOW!" I yelled the last part, letting my emotions get the better of me.

"Don't you dare speak to your mother in that tone." Chris glowered at me.

"My mother is dead. As is my father. The only parental figure I ever had was James." I stated emotionlessly. Mel walked up to me and slapped me hard across the cheek, screaming at me about how much of an 'ungrateful bitch' I was. "I've never had parents before now, and I certainly don't need them now." I hopped off of the counter and pushed through my silent brothers to get to my room. A smirk sat on my face as I finally stood up to my worthless excuses for parents. I slammed my door shut with a loud bang and flopped onto my bed, grabbing my phone from my pocket and telling Danny and Zara about what had just happened in the group chat I had set up earlier in the café. They weren't much help, but I didn't expect them to be. Soon enough Danny had to leave, telling me that he would text me later. Zara left soon after that, telling me that her parents wanted her. I sighed and threw my phone onto my pillow and grabbing the bag of clothes that were at the end of my bed. My clothes from yesterday had been washed, so I just put them back into my wardrobe. I grabbed the black joggers from the bag and laid them on my pillow. I picked up the shirt and slipped it on instead of mine. I laid down on the pillow and closed my eyes.

A ring woke me up again. I looked over to my phone that was on the pillow next to me to see Danny ringing me.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked sleepily.

"You'll never guess what happened!" He said through the speaker. I smiled at his excitement, even though I didn't know the reason why.

"I don't know, what happened?" I asked with a small smile as I closed my eyes again, just listening to his laugh that filled the air.

"My brother came home!" He squealed. Yes he squealed.

"Oh my god! Are you serious? That's amazing!" I exclaimed back to him, sitting up and opening my eyes.

"I know." He said, I could hear the smile in his voice. He hesitated before saying the next sentence. "Will you come over tomorrow and meet him?"

"Um, sure, but, why do you want me to come meet him?"

"Because you are my special person, and I need my special girl to meet my special brother." I smiled at what he said.

"Of course I'll come over. Anything for you."


This ending is lame, I know, no need to tell me... These endings shouldn't happen very often and hopefully never again. Anyway, thanks for reading, leave a vote on your way out and maybe drop in a comment? Until next time!


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