I walked out of the bathroom and quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a shirt from my bag. I walked over to the crib and checked on Danny. He was still asleep and I pecked his forehead lightly.

Before I left, I wrote a short note on a piece of paper for Harry and put it on the nightstand beside him. I kissed his cheek lightly and walked out of his room. I walked down the stairs quickly but quietly and grabbed my car keys from the living room. It was still silent in the house, letting me know everyone else was still asleep.

I put on my shoes and opened the door, closing it behind me. I ran to my car and hopped in. I pulled out of their driveway and sped to the hospital.

What happened to Zayn? How'd he get hurt? How is he? Will he be okay? Did this have to do with being part of the Blood Hunters?

So many questions to be answered...


I got to the hospital and parked my car. I locked it and ran in the hospital, asking for Zayn. The receptionist told me he was in his room, but sleeping because he just got surgery. She told me his room number and said I shouldn't bother him since he was resting.

I quickly nodded and thanked her. Then I jogged to his room, being careful not to miss it. I saw Niall standing against the wall outside the room, with his head in his hands.

I ran the rest of the way and hugged him. "Hey, Ni. It's okay. I'm here," I said pretty breathlessly.

He hugged me back and I felt tears spill on my shirt. I rubbed his back and led him to sit on the chairs outside the room.

We sat and I asked, "Ni, do you think you could tell me what happened to Zayn? It must be really bad if he ended up in the hospital."

Niall sniffled and looked up at me. I gasped when I saw that he had a black eye, some cuts and bruises on his face. "W- what happened, Ni?" I asked softly.

Tears fell from his eyes and he winced. "Li-Li...It was so bad last night. So bad. I- I thought we weren't gonna make it," he replied and leaned his head against my shoulder.

I put my arm around his shoulder to comfort him and pushed his hair back. "What was so bad, Ni?" I asked gently.

"W- we had to go on duty last night. They made us go to this dark, old warehouse and check if they were there. And they were. Zayn and I... we got scared and tried to get out, but they surrounded us. We had to fight our way through, and we-...we almost got killed, Li-Li. They almost killed us," Niall said softly, voice breaking. He started shaking and I held him closer to me, rubbing his back.

"We were so scared, Li-Li. We were gonna die," he continued as he sobbed.

I shushed him and said, "Did you call for help? I'm sure some would have helped you, right?" Surely even the Blood Hunters knew how to never leave a man behind.

Niall chuckled drily and shook his head. He lifted his head away from me and said, "Oh, we did call for help. We weren't the only ones there, by the way. There were 10 of us. And the rest of them left Zayn and I. They didn't even come back or call for help when we clearly needed it."

"Oh, Ni...I- I don't know what to say," I admitted to him. He nodded and leaned his head back on the wall, sighing.

"I know, Liam. You don't have to know what to say. I get that you're not part of this. I don't want you to be. It's horrible. I- I just want out already. I can't take it anymore," Niall said, closing his eyes.

I stayed silent for a minute and asked, "Then why don't you and Zayn just leave? I'm sure you can."

"It's not that easy, Liam. I wish we could just leave and never look back. But we can't. There are so many of them," he replied.

"Vampires. That's what you mean, right?" I asked.

Niall opened his eyes and looked at me. "Yeah, vampires. Those like Harry. I know you know he is one, by the way. Zayn and I know. You don't have to keep it from us anymore."

"How?" I asked, not sure if I really wanted an answer.

"We saw your neck at school, Liam. He bit you, didn't he?" he asked seriously.

I looked away from him to stare at the wall across from us. "Y- yeah."

I heard him sigh and looked back at him. He shook his head at me and leaned his head against the wall again. "You're making this so hard, Liam. You know he's dangerous, and you let him bite you? Probably more than once, by the looks of it." He pointed at my neck and I looked away again; at the ground this time.

"Why does it matter you? It doesn't affect you, Niall," I said.

"Yeah, but it affects YOU. Why can't you just stay away from him? He'll end up hurting you one day. Don't give me that look; you know I'm right. What are you gonna do then? He won't let you just walk away from him. He'll keep drinking from you until he kills you. That's how they do it, Liam. He's gonna kill you," Niall said all too seriously.

I fumed and stood up. "Don't say that about him! You don't even know him, let alone tried. And don't tell me that I don't know him either. Cuz I do! I've been with him for a month and he hasn't hurt me. Not once, Niall! He loves me just as much as I love him! He wouldn't hurt me on purpose," I said, raising my voice at him.

Niall looked at me sypathetically and I glared back. I don't need his sympathy. Harry and I are more than fine!

"Liam...Think about it. What if he does hurt you? Accidentally, I mean. What are you gonna do then? Are you still gonna be with him or are you gonna run away? Face it, Liam. You know that's a possibility," he said calmly, making me sit back down.

I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "It doesn't matter. I don't have to worry about that cuz he won't hurt me. I trust Harry."

Niall sighed and said, "Fine, Liam. Be that way. But need I remind you that his 'kind' almost killed Zayn and I last night. Just think about that."

I blinked and did think about it. The reason why they're hurt is because of vampires. And Harry IS a vampire...What if he does hurt me? What if he hurts Danny?! I left him there with Harry - ALONE. What if- No! Liam, don't think like that. Harry wouldn't do that. He loves you too much to hurt you and anyone you love.

I sighed and leaned back into the chair. "Why can't you just leave the Blood Hunters again? You never told me why," I decided to ask, instead of thinking bad things about my boyfriend.

Niall froze and blinked at me. He looked away and scratched the back of his neck. "They um...want something in exchange to us leaving," he replied hesitantly.

I looked at him confused and asked, "What? Is it so bad to give it to them so you can leave them?"

"Yes, Li-Li. It's bad...Zayn and I can't do it. We-...we can't do that to you," he said.

"Do what to me? How am I involved in this now? What do they want in exchange to you guys leaving?" I asked curiously and slightly worried that it involved me.

Niall stopped his hand from scratching behind his neck and looked me in the eyes. "YOU, Liam. They want you to join them."

*Woah! DRAMA! So the Blood Hunters want Liam to join them against vampires. Just so Niall and Zayn can leave them. Think he will do it?

And what about that part with Liam thinking Harry could possibly hurt him and Danny? Is Liam having trust issues with Harry now? What will he do about that? Is he finally listening to Niall and Zayn's warnings to stay away from Harry? CAN he stay away from Harry?

So many questions asked and so many answers to come! Keep reading to find out more!

What will happen next?* x

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