The most un-happen-able thing just happened

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Magnus's Pov

What is that Blondie up to anyways. If Isabelle is not in danger, I do not need to be here. I thought Jace hates me for hurting Alec. Honestly, I hate myself for that too,but Alec should have at least told me about meeting with Camille. 

I actually hoped to see Alec, but he is nowhere in sight. Not even in  the infirmary, where his only sister is.

I walked into the infirmary, only seeing a silent brother treating Isabelle. The Silent Brother had his hood covering his face and his back facing me, causing me to be unable to make up his face. 

However, the figure of the Silent Brother is strangely familiar to me, it is not that I knew many Silent Brothers in my life. My very long 400 years of life, I may add.

I felt extremely awkward just standing there while the Silent Brother work on healing Isabelle. This awkward state of Silence. Damn that Blondie Jace Herondale for putting me into this state of awkwardness. I thought to myself.

I did the smart thing that everyone would do.I asked how was Isabelle.

"So... How is Isabelle Lightwood? Is she going to make it?" I asked the Silent Brother. 

I know Silent Brothers rarely,or almost never show their emotion, BUT I swear this Silent Brother just tensed up when he heard my name. After 400 years, I learn how to read people easily by their body posture. I could see the strain of muscles at the Silent Brother's shoulder blades.

The Silent Brother kept silent.

I asked again, but still got no reply.

Normally, I don't get angry this easily, but this Silent Brother ignoring me just make me very frustrated.Maybe I am worried about Isabelle , or maybe it is just something else.

 I stepped forward, ready to confront Silent Brother.

I place my hand on his shoulder, wanting him to face me and answer my question, but my action kind of frightened him a little. Maybe normal people don't touch Silent Brothers.

Well, let's start of with the fact that I am not exactly normal. I am somebody who give others lasting impressions, till they are in their grave and they will still remember me. I assure you that.

The silent Brother was shocked causing him to look up at me. That was when I become shocked.

That was not just some silent Brother. That was Alexander. Alexander Gideon Lightwood. My bo- no my ex-boyfriend. The one who I am still deeply in love with even though we parted. The one whose face appeared in my mind every time I think of shadowhunters .About the sky.About the ocean. About my life.

I stumbled back as I looked in horror. Alec looked sadly at me, almost apologetically.That was when I realized , there is really no hope for me and Alec to be together. Silent Brothers can't get married, can't fall in love. 

And the next thing that happened to me shocked me even more. 

I, Magnus Bane the high warlock of Brooklyn, a four hundred year old being , just fainted.

Silent Brotherhood( A Malec angst fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora