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Above is Emily. You can imagine her like that or something else. I don't care.
Chapter one:

I color in the last artwork on my right thigh then hide my marker.
I'm not suppose to write on myself but I'm wearing a dress that goes down to my thigh and covers the artwork.
It's a white tight dress with flowers and..
"Emily! Time for school!" My mother shouts from down the steps.
I snort. She calls it school, I call it the dumbest place ever.
It's where we learn our wizard skills, even though I'm the most skilled wizard in school, so everything they teach, I know.

I put on my white sandals and walk out my room, closing the door behind me.
Too many secrets to risk.

My sandals make a Click click click sound as I jog down the stairs.
My mom awaits me with a death stare
that says "get to school. NOW"
She has my 4 1/2 year old sister balanced on her hip.
I give her a sheepish smile and grab my bookbag.
I then head out the door just in time to catch the bus.
I sit quietly in my first period while the teacher quiets down the class.

"Okay class, I would like to introduce to the new student" she says and points to the boy standing next to the teacher.
"Class, this is Ian. Ian take a seat next to Emily".
He looks around for me and I put my hand up for him.
He walks to me and sits down.

I take a moment to study him and MAN is he handsome.
He has a muscular figure with a perfect jawline.
He's much taller then I am and he has a tattoo. I can't really tell what it is though.

I catch myself staring and look away.
"Okay, since we are expecting a snowstorm, I will give you this worksheet to do. If you don't finish it, it's homework".
Most people groan but I smile slightly.
Homework is easy to me
"You like homework?" Ian asks.
I guess I was smiling too big.
"Uh..well..kinda I mean no but it's like easy so.."
I'm a idiot.
"If it's so easy, mind helping me?".
My heart beat gets faster.
"Uh yeah sure".
Mrs.Brewer passes out the worksheets and I scoot my chair over to Ian a tiny bit so I can help him.

Question one: what is the spell for rain?
Okay that's easy.
He does the first question in 5 seconds.
Before I can say anything else he does number 2.
And 3
And 4
And 5
What does he need help with?
"Looks like you got this.." I say while smiling slightly.
He looks up and smirks.
"I know. I just needed an excuse to talk to you".
My smile fades and I blush.
The bell rings before he could say anything else and he turns in our papers.
I didn't even do my paper.
Did he?
Too many questions
Not enough answers.

I shrug it off and go to my locker for my next hour when this comes on on the PA;
"School is cancelled due to the snowstorm. Have a nice day"
Everyone yells and whoops. I cover my ears and someone approaches me.
It's Ian.
"Hi!" He shouts over the noise.
I smile. "Hi".
"Can I uh.." he starts.
And that's when the gunshots go off.

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