Ch. 1 The Princess

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***I'm slowly editing this story. I also am changing Blaze's name to Ryan. So if you get past my editing his name will be Blaze not Ryan. Having a Blake and Blaze caused a little confusion.****

Two hundred years later

A piece of the locket was given to each member of the royal family and is always given to the next prince or princess that is born. The royal family currently only has five members. The King, Queen, and their three daughters all have one piece of the locket. The sixth shard of the locket is locked up in the castle volt where it's to be kept until another royal is born.

"No," Nick the second daughter of Edward the Sixth, King of the Intertwined Lands, says her face distorted in annoyance.

"Yes," her older sister Lori yelled back at her.

    A fight between these two was rare, but not unheard of. When these girls fought there would be a week of smoldering dark moods from both girls. It would get so bad that the guards themselves often all feared facing the girls in such foul moods. Luckily today, the girls didn't plan on fighting it out.

"No! I'm not going to go with you to see Lord Adam. I'm not the one who fancies him," Nick stated crossing her arms. She does this because she has an unladylike habit of throwing her hands everywhere as she talks.

"Please, Nick, I will get Master Lee off your back about your French lessons," Lori bates her.

Nick laughed, "Where's the fun in that. I like the stories he ends up telling me instead of making me learn. I mean for a really smart man he is easily side tracked." A lock of her chestnut brown hair slipped out of its tight clip and into her face as she laughed. Her eyes were a beautiful ocean blue matching her sisters. Each child of royalty had a distinct feature unlike any of the others living.

"Nickita, please come with me," Lori begged. Nick looked just like her sister with the exception of Lori's long bouncing blonde curls.

"No I want to catch up on my reading. Why don't you ask Molly to go with you?" Nick asked. Muttering under her breath quietly, "When in doubt volunteer the younger relative."

"Fine," Lori huffed then she spun around making her half of the locket swing up and hit her right in the face. She growled a very unladylike growl before she marched out of the room to go look for their littlest sister Molly. Molly was all to often pulled into the middle of everything.

Nick grins knowing that Molly would rather walk through molten lava than stalk Lord Adem all evening. Molly may be just a child, but she was no push over. Lori was in for another refusal.


Ryan and twenty of his best men slipped into the castle's defences unnoticed. They all silently slipped down and into the vault of the castle. They took out all the guards and broke into the vault. They were as silent as cats or well...wolves. Ryan stepped in and then he ordered ten of his men to change into their wolf forms. They did as he ordered, he walked over to the shard of the locket. He picked it up and slipped it into his pocket then said, "Okay, we got it, now let's get out of here."

As Ryan and his men made it up to the ground floor they were spotted. A guard yelled at them to freeze, but Ryan told his men to run for it, making them all dash off down a ran
different directions.

Nick was just walking out of the library when she was knocked over by a person running right into her. She fell to the floor and instantly freezes as she saw who knocked her over. Above her stood a tall, defined yet slim, man with black hair and brown eyes. With him were ten men and ten of the biggest wolves she had ever seen.

"Princess!" one of the guards that were running after Ryan and him men yelled at her, "Princess run."

"Grab her," hissed Ryan to one of his men.

The guy in front of Nick reached for her, but she quickly rolled out of his grasp. What she didn't expect was for one of the wolves to lean down and clamp his mouth down around her small frame. Nick went still instantly in its mouth. The thing stood over six feet tall on four feet, she had absolutely no chance against it. All it had to do was simply bite down and she was dead. Left to be ripped into tiny Princess size bits.

The guards froze as they saw it pick her up in its mouth. Halen, the caption of the guard suddenly stepped up then said, "Let the princess go, and we will not harm you."

Ryan laughed then said, "You won't hurt any of us, unless you want my wolf to crush your precious little princess with one bite."

Nick lay stiffly in the wolf's mouth trying not to panic, her heart was beating a mile minute. "If you harm her I will make sure you rot in prison for all eternity," Halen warned. Halen was a man whose job was to know everything that was happening in the land, to protect the royal family, and he was known for many things. He was most well known as the king's assassin and royal protector. Everyone in the land knew about Halen; his threats were never made in vain.

"I don't think you're in the position to make threats. Let's go men," Ryan said then they started off towards the way they got in, then Ryan turned back saying, "If we are followed I won't hesitate to have my wolf snap her sweet little form in half."

Nick flinched in fear as she heard Ryan's last words. She kept her mouth closed the whole time she was jolted around as they made their getaway. It took all her willpower not to scream in pain when the wolf tightened his hold on her and its teeth sank into her flesh. Once they reached the woods about five miles away from the castle the whole group stopped.

Ryan nodded to the wolf that had Nick in its mouth then it put her down lightly. Once she was on the ground Nick curls into a ball and buried her head in her arms. Ryan walked over to her then knelt down next to her, "Princess," Nick didn't respond, "Princess," Ryan says more annoyed this time, he always hated being blatantly ignored.

Nick carefully lifted her head out of her arms and looked up at Ryan. As their eyes locked Ryan's wolf howled inside of him crashing against all the walls to get out, "Mate! That's our mate!" Ryan instantly scooped her up into his arms.

Nick bit back a scream as she hit his hard chest and he buries his face in the crook of her neck. He tightened his grip on her, "Mine." Nick sucked in a deep breath this time, and it wasn't because of his slightly bothersome words. It was for the wound the wolf gave her as she rode in his mouth. Ryan looked down at her then he saw the blood on her sides. He growled,  he started to walk off deeper into the woods, with Nick securely locked in his arms.

After a long walk Ryan carried Nick into a clearing in the woods, where a large house stood. Nick shivered in his arms out of fear, pain, and fatigue. Ryan carried her into the house up the stairs and into his room. He lay her down on his bed, and then he went to look at her wounds. But her dress was long, thick, and it covered them all from view. Ryan growled, "Stupid dress." With those words he ripped the dress off of her from the neck down to her hips. That was when he spotted her shard of the locket.

Nick squealed in fear thinking he was going to hurt her and she used all her strength to punch him full force in the face. Ryan fell back in surprise then Nick sprang from the bed. As she did her wounds opened up and she started to lose blood. She got a few feet then she got dizzy and she reached out trying to use the wall to support her. Ryan growled angrily, he walked over to her, plucked her up off the floor, and put her back on the bed. "No, please don't hurt me. Please," Nick begs as she was put back on the bed. 

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