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happy national bff day to my amazing bff lili.

shes been there for me through thick and thin and i wouldnt trade her for the world.

she was there for me through my depression era and she helped me get out of my dark hole. she gave me that handed i needed to pull me up. she has stayed with me through my darkest times and when i needed someone the most, she was the one there with open arms.

i really have no fücking idea what i would do without her by my side.

its funny ya know, i used to hate her so much because i thought she was copying me, but now we're inseperable and never want to leave each others side.

i remember our friendship started by is being theatre buddies last year, and then we became twins, and then bestfriend bagels (long story dont ask) and now forever and always.

i have so many names for you my sister and if i named them all, we would have to be immortal to listen to them. 

you might be reading this since you stalk my wattpad without my knowing and i have no clue who you are on here because you wont give me your user, so if you are then know that i love you very very much.

thank you by the way, for being here for me and never leaving me. weve been bffs for over a year now and im still counting. all of my bestfriends never last because after a while we drift apart, but youre something special, because i know you will stay.

as i sit here typing this, im bawling my eyes out at this life story, listening to twenty øne piløts (because ya know its our band along with fall out boy and p!atd) and eating spaghettios.

yeah i know what youre all thinking, "why arent we in this we're your friends too", and im getting there. i just wanted to talk about my irl bff.

you internet people, i love you all too and thank you for being here wih me as well. you all know who you are. but ill name you anyways😂

CoffeeAndCatWhiskers : we have all of our inside jokes and stuff and never cease to stop making each other laugh and we have gotten closer over the week(e)s we have been talking. (i accidently did type in weekes because im so used to it) ((also i commented squavacadoes on your tyler reader insert if you didnt see))

HallelUmaThurman : you are and will always be my wifey twin. we havent really talked in a while but we are starting to and im really hoping we keep it that way😂

Beebo_and_fedoras : you are pretty dont think otherwise. and thank you for always complimenting me even though i deny it. i love ya my twin.

20_dollar_nosebleed : we dont talk a lot a lot but id like for us to and i frickin love your brallon fanfics theyre the bomb.com. and we live really close to each other to be honest so im happy about that.

BEEBO_IS_BAE : we havent really actually talked but thanks for reading my imagine story and for being a cool bean! id really like to talk more if youd like too.

LABeeboTea : we communicated for a short while and then didnt meet again until that one imagine story and now we talk every now and then. youre really cool and id like to start talking more.

PanicAtTheAli : i love your patrick imagine book and youre super rad (oml i sound like im from the 80's) youre also a cool bean if you didnt know that, and youre super pretty.

myself : youre the queen bean and youre fabulous bye. (lol just kidding all of you are the queen beans)

stay alive frens |-/

and dont forget youre all amazing in your own way ❤️

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