Chapter 3: Mr. and Mrs. Robeson

Start from the beginning

"Come sit, I'll go get you two tablets". She pulls me towards the bed and pushes me down on it. "Don't move okay", she looks at me and I nod my head. She opens the door and steps outside before closing it behind her. I lay down gently and close my eyes.

It felt like an hour later when I feel someone lightly shaking my shoulder. I roll onto my stomach and pretend to still be sleeping only to have someone shout in my ears.

"Gemma! Get the fuck up, I was gone for only ten minutes and you're sleeping already. Lazy bitch", Julie pulls my arms and I'm thrown forward with the same force as before, but this time I crash into the hard surface, otherwise known as Julie's forehead. We both grab our foreheads at the same time while backing away from each other.

"You", I shout pointing at Julie, "Get away from me, you-you skinny walking wall. What do you want? To give me a concussion, huh? You're like a living destruction". I accuse glaring at her angrily. She slaps me on the arm and stomps from my room slamming the door behind her. She so loves dramatic exists. I take the pills she placed on the table and get up to take a shower before making my way downstairs for dinner.


I wake up early the next morning to sunlight streaming directly through the window and in my face. I groan and roll to the other side facing my night lamp. The alarm clock beside it read 8:15 am and I instantly sit up rubbing my eyes. I am totally late for breakfast but then again it doesn't matter because I am being sold today, well not exactly, but whatever. I'll just have to show that bitch of a Headmistress that she cannot faze me, but first I have to pee and take a shower.

As soon as I entered the dining room the devil herself calls me and informed me of our meeting at ten. She chose to distinctly announce that the boss would be there, I rolled my eyes at that.

We are now sitting in her office trying our best to avoid each other's gazes. There is a knock at the door and we both turn to look at it. She gets up and slowly walk to the door and pulls it open. A couple enters the room and they greet the Headmistress happily. Why are they so happy? That should be illegal.

Mr. and Mrs. Robeson I would like you to meet the very opinionated but respectful Gemma Henson", she says. That was well put I must say. Brava bitch! I smile and stand up to greet the overly happy couple. The woman rushes towards me and pulls me into a hug, I pat her back awkwardly. She pulls away and smiles at me.

"We are so excited to meet you. You're very beautiful. Oh my God, Malcolm come look at her eyes, they're the most beautiful things I've ever seen", she gushes staring directly into my own. The man smiles and walk towards us. He holds unto the woman's shoulder and forcibly pull her away from me because she wouldn't let go.

"Maggie let go, you're going to scare the poor child", he looks at me and smile. "I'm sorry about that, she's just excited to meet you". Well no shit. I smile at them.

"That's okay Malcolm, I understand". He nods his head and Maggie smiles. "So I hope you don't take this the wrong, although I don't think there's a wrong way to take this, but I am not going anywhere with you", everyone stands still, a pin could be heard if it falls. Even the Headmistress seems surprised. Maggie is the first to speak up.

"But-but why? Is something wrong? Did we do something wrong", she asks sounding as if she's about to cry. My cold heart melts and I look at her solemnly.

"I'm sorry Maggie but you should've been informed from yesterday that I do not want to be adopted", I glare at the Headmistress as she does the same at me. "I specifically told Ms. Hemshire that I am not going anywhere with you and she insisted on being reluctant. I understand that this must be an inconvenience to you but I suggest you look for someone else", I say as politely as possible. The couple looks at me and I smile at them.

"We are not adopting anyone else, I want you and that's final", Maggie insists. "Ms. Hemshire, where are the documents? Give them to me, we are signing them now", she walks over to the desk and takes a seat. I gawk at her and the Headmistress smirks at me. That bitch.

I stomp my way over to the desk and pound my fist on it angrily. "Aren't you listening to me lady?" I shout. I said I am not going anywhere with you, are you deaf? Or just dumb". She stands up so she's looking me in the eyes. Suddenly her hand comes up and she slaps me across the cheek, hard. I glare at her disbelievingly.

"You-you little menace, watch your language or I'll be forced to give you another. What do you learn here? How to be disres-" she is abruptly cut off when the door slams open to reveal a furious looking man.

"What's going on in here", he growls. I openly check him out. He looks like he's in twenties and I couldn't help but to admire his boyish features that stood out like a sore thumb. His hair is straight but is cut short to enhance his oval shaped face more perfectly. His eyes are the deepest set of blues and I try my best to not drown in their depths. He is wearing a white shirt and black pants and I couldn't help but to imagine what's underneath them. I giggle at my dirty thoughts and continue to blatantly stare at him.

"Beta Bryce", both the Headmistress and the Robesons say at the same time. I am shaken from my reverie when the sexy Greek God looks at me and smirks. My face starts to heat up and I quickly avert my gaze to the other three people in the room. "Where is the Alpha? He told me that he'll be here after he deals with the border problems, I he still coming?" Ms. Hemshire asks. Beta? Alpha? What are these people talking about? I stare confusedly at the Headmistress and the so-called Beta chuckles.

"Yes Ms. Hemshire he's still coming, just a little hold up at the border. He'll be here shortly", he says walking towards the desk and taking a seat in a chair beside me. He sniffs me and I almost fall from the chair in shock. "No, not her", I hear him mutter and I look at him suspiciously. He avoids my eyes and clears his throat noisily.

"Ms. Hemshire care to tell me what was going on earlier?" he asks looking at the Headmistress.

"Yes Beta, the child stubbornly refuses to go with the Robesons, I didn't t know what to do with her so I contacted the Alpha. He'll know what to do with her. She's as stubborn as her mother I-", she stops suddenly when she realizes what she'd said. I stand up and slowly walk towards her.

"What do you know about my mother? How do you know my mother" I shout angrily. She nervously looks away and I fume. I grab onto her shoulder and forcibly turn her around again. "Answer me!" I shout loudly. "How do you know my mother?"

She opens her mouth to reply but the door opens right in that moment to reveal a sexy Greek God in all his glory. He enters the room and sniffs the air before finally looking up at me and uttering one word that left everyone frozen in their places and me very confused.

"Mate", What?

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