Spirit Ice's Biography

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Name: Spirit Ice

Avenger Name: TigerEye

Animal Form: White tiger spirit

Age: 15

Height: 5'2

Weight: 21lbs

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: sky blue

Background History:

Spirit was 5 years old when her parents sent her to be tested in a lab but what she didn't know was that the scientists wanted to her to change into an animal form. They had placed her into a cage with other children who were also being tested for superhero powers or medicine uses. Spirit grew up to be a 15 year old girl and the scientists dragged her into a small room. They strapped her down to a table and she would struggle to get out. One scientist inserted a needle with something sort of portion into her neck and Spirit started to growl. She looked down to see claws, paws, a tail and fur of a tiger. But it wasn't any ordinary tiger because each of her stripes were glowing and she noticed that her claws were invisible. She had changed into a tiger and somehow managed to change back without losing her clothes. Spirit would hide her form unless she needed it for emergencies or protective instincts. She doesn't like the way her body has to change into a different body and she could hurt someone.

Illnesses: Anorexic, flinching, trusting others

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