a collection of mediocre rants

Start from the beginning


skool is coming soon + i have no friends in my class but it's ok it was just like last year when i tried to make friends with the whole class :'(

i survived though thank the lord

i wonder how im going to develop though im not very different since i still like the same stuff but i'll probably be less talkative since i don't want anyone to hate me (even though i always flood the class gc with my memes) and i always get seenzoned i feel offended

it's fun though cause we're like 20 in the group and everybody doesnt get it and i suddenly realize that im really fucking annoying sorry

also last year we had really traumatic class performances bc of our crappy student council that doesn't even put effort i mean CMON U GUYS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE COOL

also not looking forward to class groupings this school year so if someone says group into 2, im probs gonna force myself into the new girl ngl

hope for the best this school year, i'll update u on my first week though!!!

& im not looking forward tk academics cause we got 2 filipino textbooks this time i wanna toss them into the south china sea

filipino's not really super hard it's just that it's so tiring cause u constantly misread syllables and the stories they put in books are too boring

overall rating of the subject based on fun: 6/10

guys dont hate me but i cheated on my chinese exam even the adviser knows & he just laughed at the fact that the whole class was helping each other using hand signals & the 老师 was so oblivious to it all

here are my methods to passing a test i didnt even study for!!:

- use a clear id case (use bond paper to write down ever single deet) and if you have a uniform with a vest like me, start the test off with your id tucked into the vest then when it gets to the hard part, whip it out and hide it by placing it in between the test papers, flipping the page occasionally to take a glance at the answers

- hand signals from a smart kid: we usually have two types of chinese quizzes (the 老师 reads out the question and you have to understand it and pick a letter and the other is more of a writing type) so we have signals for a b c and d so when she reads a question, the smart kid does the deed:

a is scratching the nose

b is rubbing the chin

c is scratching the eye

d is looking distressed aka the look of regret and pain

well that was that


nagisa + the girl who will not be mentioned (ass. class)

i just barfed

i wanted to talk about this since ppl started shipping them both and tbh SHIP WHAT U WANT as long as ur not forcing it into anybody

but yeah here is my overview on it

like tbh after that scene she's been all up nagisa's ass like no??? he just kissed u to save everyone so CHILL

i just dont like her vibe ok

she was cute the first season now i dont trust her intentions

rin + gou??? (free!)


im gonna contradict my own speech now:

why do some people ship this

chidori + katsuhira (kiznaiver)

i used to picture them together and now im like "no chidori u deserve someone better than a guy who doesnt even give a damn about you AND IS ALL UP NORI'S ASS"

like i get it ok: nori was a childhood friend and she's "within you" but the scene in episode 9 i think when chidori was going to confess and katsuhira was like "wait hold up my nori senses are tingling GTG BYe" and he completely tossed chidori aside and ran outside to save nori

& also i feel like nori is such a dick like she only likes katsuhira and is really really selfish so i don't like her vibe and aura though my phone screen

she's pretty and all but chidori's heart is pure so beAt THAT

& also at episode 10 when they were out in the rain and she was like "hold me pls" i was like YES BOI U GO HOLD HER but it took him like 2 minutes until he finally held her like wyd deactivate


i think most of the pairings they made were like "woah wait WHAT??" like nico liking tenga?? i was surprised honestly

anime rating so far: 8/10 (interesting concept!! but would not binge watch, once a week is good enough)

yandere/weeaboo fiasco

yandere's not my thing okay so i got pretty creeped out when i watched like the first few episodes of future diary (mirai nikki i think is the japanese) i thought she was cool but she's insane so thats a NO FOR ME

ok getting to my point: why the hell do people say "im a yandere and im proud" like no dont be proud, that's like saying you're possibly a mental hospital patient

and if you say you're a yandere, you're not (have you ever heard a genuinely terrible person say "hey i'm the scum of the universe"?? no?? ive proved my point already)

crazy people aren't aware of their insanity

ok next is weeaboooooooooOoo

i like the concept of calling yourself a weeaboo ironically and to be funny but like if you're serious about it then no

but like hey if you genuinely want to learn japanese then cool whatever that doesnt make you a weeaboo


as a joke: cool funny and HIP

srs business: problematic

learnin culture: awesome


not going 2 do my new outro since i already said gnight



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