i dreamed a dream

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hey hi whats up????? what an awkward intro whoop

anyway i spent two nights binge watching tatinof vlogs from random people off youtube and these questions were roaming around my head: when are phan coming here? if they are, will i be able to see them? what if they never come here?

and most of the time, i end up over thinking, which is obviously not a good thing. i see these people getting vip tickets and meeting them and darn that's what i wanna do with my life

idk i just feel sad whenever i think about meeting either tøp, troye, or phan bc i have about a 15% chance living in //this// country ya feel me

and some people are like "hey but those people are just like normal people, them being famous doesn't make them special in any way so what's the point of meeting them" and im like "let people have fun tf?? if that's what they want in life then ?? ok"

wow i just sound like an obsessed stalker gotta go rn

(btw write a short comment about which famous person you want to meet irl and why, or which famous person you have met and ur experience with them !! i wanna read ur stories)

how to not be a cool humanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon