when you become friends

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Tao-you went to the internet cafe just like the person said and you were waiting for at least in hour.well you got bored but hey at least you brought your computer.you took it out just started playing around on your computer un till someone tapped you shoulder "hey are you y/n?" "um yea who are you?" "im tao..i was the one hacking you yesterday" "oh ok so what were you looking for on my computer?" tao sat down and told you.
~Few hours later~
"Wow thats really cool tao!could you teach me some?i mean if you want.." "sure but why wouls you want to learn more?you're already good at hacking,you actually put up a good fight..it was fun" "oh uh thanks tao..." jist then your phone vidrated signaling that you had a message."oh tao i gotta go but ill see you later and herea my number" you said with a great big smile."ok see you soon y/n

Takio-today the same man came in.takio.he would come in and just talk to you.it was quite nice having someone to talk to.*tap tap* takio tapped your shoulder " hey um y/n..after you shift is done do you want to hang out or somthing?" "hmm?sure" "really ok"he said with a small smile
~Few hours later~
After your work shift was done you went to the park were you would meet takio and yep he was there."hey takio didnt know you'd come in time.." "huh why not" he said playfully getting up.you two atarted walking around.it was quite nice just talking and walking around without any interruptions that is untill his phone went off."hello?oh hey frankenstein.um im with a friend.what no.alright ill be home in a few but let me at least walk y/n home" he hung up "hey i gotta go but ill walk you home ok?" "alright...so who was that?" "that was my boss from work and i kinda live with him.and also few other people.plus my co-workers tao and mister." "wow that must be alot poeple" "tour telling me" "heh i live alone with my dog/cat,p/n" " cool so want to hang out again later?" " sure thanks for walking me home bye" "bye"

M-21-"i cant believe i have all this paperwork its so troublesome"you thought *knock knock* "come in" "hey y/n" "oh hey mister whats up?" "nothing i was just wonder maybe after school wanna hang out?" "um yea sure.where?" "at the park" "ok ill be there at?" "oh umm around 5ish is good" "ok well see you till then" then mister left because you had to help a kid that had a bloody nose.
~skipping to 5~
You sat there waiting for m-21.it was kinda cold and you didnt bring a jacket."im so flipping stupid for not bringing a jacket" you mumbled. Then you hears foot steps.you looked up and saw mister walking towards you.you got up ans walked to him."hey y/n how long were you waiting for?" "just a few minutes its ok though" "hmmm ok whatever you say but you look cold"and without hesitation he put his jacket over you.you blushes and said "umm i dont need your jacket im fine i assure you" " no its ok just take it" "....fine-_-" you two walked around for a few hours just talking then you phone rang "hello?oh hey..you need a what?ride home and wjy is that?your ride didnt show up?fine be there in a sec." "whos that?" "my little brother i gotta go bye sorry" "its fine but.."you were already gone "she didnt give me my jacket..." he thought

Frankenstein-*ring ring*"hello?whois this?" "its frankenstein from the store.i was the one who got the bleach for you" .oh ok so what do you need?" "well i was hoping you would let me help you clean your house?" "oh sure come over when ever you want to help me" you told him you adress and je came over after hanging up. He came.over and started helping.
~few hours later of cleaning~
"Phew thanks for helping me.it looks brand new thanks to you and only took a few hours thank you very much!" "heh no problem" "well as a reward ill male you dinner if you want " "r-really i mean you dont have to-" "no its fine ive been wanting to make someone somethin soo yea" "alright...."
~few hours later~
"That was good! Even better than seria's cooking!" "seria?" " oh shes a girl that goes to ye ran high school. She lives with me" " thats not creepy at all*chukling*"what i dodnt mean it like that!" "i know i know" *ring ring*"oh thats me sorry y/n" then he walks out.few minutes later he came back in "hey i gotta go ill see you later y/n" "alright text me when you get home so i known you're safe ok" "ok bye" "bye"

Regis-you two became friends because you guys are in the same classes so..yea but you got him a box of pocky because he was talking about it one day and you wanted to be nice so yea."whu did you get me some pocky" "well you were talking about it one day so i took it in consideration and got you some...."you said blushing "oh thank you very much" the next day there was somthing f/c on you desk.it was a f/c scarf.you thougjt for a moment to think of who would get this for you then ewgis ran across you mind. "Y/n did you get the scarf that was on your desk?" regis asked"yes thank you very much.its very soft and comfortable.thank you" "no problem you said f/c was you favourite so i got you a f/c scarf nust for you." "oh you disnt have to" "i did because i wanted to return your friendship" "oh"you said blushing andthe rest of the day you couldn't get regis out of your head because he was being so nice to you.

Shinwoo-ever since that morning with running into shinwoo you two became friends and when he found out that you were in his class he was even more happy."shinwoo hey man whats up?" "nothing kust late agian i can see your late also" "heh you know it..so um shinwoo can i sit with you at lunch today?" " hmm sure why?" "well my "friends" are being assholes and i dont want to put up with their drama soo...yea" "oh you can sit with me anytime you dont worry y/n" "thanks shinwoo" and you got to to school but you also got in trouble.

Ikan-You walked into your new class room and you saw the person who was texting you all day and night.ikhan. now you weren't as embarrassed.ikhan looked up and you could tell he was excited to see you."ikhan do you know y/n?" "yes i do..." "then she can sit by you" "o-ok" "class this is y/n l/n" eveyone said hi and you sat down by ikhan you new that you were going to have a great year here

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