Chapter 2

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"Break!" I shouted, walking to the locker room, grabbing a bottle of wated, "Captain, are you still not going to talk to me?" I heard Soarin talk from behind, "Boy am I exhausted, especially with the heat outside, how about call this training off for today, I'm pretty sure you are all tired, and I am to, tired of crying all night believing how can 'he' do this to me?" I said well I guess he had the idea that I was talking about him!

"Guys, it is hot out there and we had enough training for today, so see you until tomorrow!" I said, all of them shouted for joy, "Captain Crash you are the BEST!" Somebody shouted from the crowd.

I was at Starbucks with my diary, yes maybe I am too old for it but I can't just keep everything inside...

Dear diary,
       I haven't been able to write for weeks! But now I need to relax more than ever, I still can't believe that Clipper has the guts to talk to me like he did nothing! I just want to be alone no distractions, hmm how about going to the spa, I will just go on my own, I don't want my friends to know I am that, dramatic! Especially when Pinkie knows the gossip...

Great, just great, Rarity is here... Well if she knew it would be any harm right? Just act natural...

That was so REFRESHING! I missed that sensation! Anyway I need to go back home, as I enter my house with the hi-tech password locks, wait, I forgot to delete Soarin's I'm so dumb anyway as I enter there were a lot of flowers scattered all over the couch kitchen my trophy room and basically EVERYWHERE! Tank was walking towards me he had a note he wants to give me, I grabbed it and unfolded it;

Rainbow Dash,
I'm so sorry, please forgive me... If you are asking about the other girl I am with she is my girl-

I didn't want to read the whole thing, he is basically cheating, I get it we're through! I started cleaning up my whole house not leaving a petal behind, and sended it off to Soarin with a note; "That was so sweet! But NEVER will I forgive you!" I landed on my bed crying, why am I still like this? Do I still like him? Urgh! I don't want to remember him or see him, but that seems impossible saying that he is on the team...

URGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL! Am I sad, or angry at him, do I still love him or hate him?

(Author's note: Sorry if it is not that good...)

Trust Me Now Please... (FINISHED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat