The Girl.

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DISCLAIMER: I am not, under any circumstances,  claiming any right to Twilight. All rights go to the author, Stephenie Meyer. I am receiving no monetary gain from making this, I do it simply for fun and to further my writing skills.

By the way, I think this is the longest chapter I ever wrote for this story. Just a bit of fun trivia for you. :)



I bolted upright, all thoughts of sleeping disappearing as the screams echoed down the hall.

An unknown shriek pierced through my hospital room, making me jump. It almost frightened me more when I realized I was the reason for the noise.

The screaming down the hallway continued and goose-flesh broke out on my skin as my palms started to sweat, though I felt ice cold.

What's happening? I thought. I looked over to the window and it was pitch-black outside. Night-time. It was too dark in the room for me to read the digital clock hanging on the wall.

My heart-rate monitor was going hay-wire in my panic. The regular beeping was beginning to sound like one long, continuous hum.

The beeping escalated when I heard footsteps walking towards my door. The thump of the shoes agains the tiles sounded like gunshots as they approached closer still, the screams bouncing in my ears.

I was breathing so hard and fast I was getting light-headed.

The footsteps suddenly stopped outside the door, and my blood was hammering in my ears. The click from the latch as the doorknob slowly turned reverberated through the room.

I huddled down further in the crisp bed sheets as the door opened, much like a child would when scared.

As the door opened painfully slow, - the person still unknown to me - I was suddenly thinking of those stupid slasher films my friends used to make me watch, and the irony of how similar this moment was to those in the movie wasn't lost on me. I almost would have found it comical if I wasn't so terrified.

The light from the hallway spilled in, the cries outside intensifying.

A head of long, ironed-straight red hair poked into the room, and the wave of relief that flowed through me was dizzying. It was the kind nurse from before. No Michael Meyers or boogey-man. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

She entered fully now that she knew I was awake, shutting the door behind her and effectively blackening the room again for a moment before she flipped the lights on.

The woman strolled over to my side of the bed, placing her hand on my wrist delicately.

"Hello, honey. Are you okay? Your heart was going crazy there for a minute," she glanced over to the monitors and my heart-beat was thankfully beginning to calm down.

The screaming outside, however, wasn't lessening at all.

I wondered how long the nurse would play dumb and act like it wasn't happening.

I shifted into a sitting position on the bed, being careful of my ribs as I moved, and cleared my throat. "I'm fine, just startled. Who is screaming?"

The nurse sighed, and I could see the weariness in her eyes. "That's Mary Alice. It's her yearly visit."

The screams cut through the air, hurting my ears.

I winced as the wailing got - impossibly - louder. "What's wrong with her?"

"We don't know," the woman shrugged, checking the wires attached to me. "Everytime she's here, we can never find anything wrong with her."

There must be something not right with her if she was protesting that hard. I was confused as I thought of something else.

My Guardian Destroyer.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora