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Chapter 18

Marko’s Pov

S-Sam, she loves me.  My beautiful Sam.  Her breathing evened out and the slight rise and fall of her chest was calming. 

I sat out on the bluff until the dark night faded, pink skies beginning to show.  All was quiet, calm; the soft crashing of the waves, the light breeze.  I felt at peace...What a girl!  Why the heck am I acting this way?  This is all so different; never have I felt like this as…ever.  Slowly I stood, making my way back into cave, Sam still in my arms. 

Everyone else was lounging about.  Paul’s eyes were drooping, his head slightly bobbing back and forth as he sat on the couch, and Dwayne and David were fighting off sleep to the best of the best of their abilities.  Laddie was asleep on top of a pile of mismatch pillows and blankets.  The Frog brothers were still there, looking as uncomfortable as ever; for good measure too.  

Walking down the rugged steps, heads snapped my way.  The darker haired Frog glanced from me to Sam; a wave of anguish covering his features.  I smirked from ear to ear; this kid won’t stand a chance coming between me and the girl in my arms.

“So boys,” David said, clapping his hands together and turning towards the Frogs’.  “We’re on the same level now, and you know what time it is for us.  There better be no more funny business.” The Frogs nodded quietly.

“What do you mean?” I asked. 

“Well, while you and Sam were being all cutesy-pootsie up on the bluff, we all came up with an agreement.” Paul snickered, an awkward smile adorning his face.  Wonder what’s up with him? 

“I’ll tell you later.” Paul sighed.  David cleared his throat.

“Anyway, the deal is pretty much that we don’t kill them, they don’t come after us.  Simple as that.” David said, standing up.  What!  How can they make a deal like that!?!  This is going against what we have been living by for years!

“I know how you feel man.” Paul grunted, sprawling out on the unoccupied couch.

“We will fill you in more tonight.” Dwayne said, walking over to Laddie, repositioning him so he wouldn’t fall off of the makeshift bed.

“We better go.” The gruff brother muttered, taking a glance around.  The other nodded, stealing a glance at Sam.  Holding her closer, I bit back a growl.    He quickly turned away, his brother following in suit.

“Bye boys.” David chuckled.  They visibly swallowed, walking up the steep stairs.  Before they disappeared up into the day, the gruff one turned back.

“You better tell Sam that we’ll see her around.” David smirked.

“Don’t worry about that.  We’ll tell her.”  And with that they disappeared into the mouth of the cave.

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