"'Kichael'? Come on Anouk, you can do better than that! 'Michly' is much better." Anne said. (A/N: You pronounce it like 'Mike-Lee') They argued a little more, including Melissa, they all agreed that 'Michly' would be mine and Michael's ship name. Ugh, we aren't ever dating and probably never will.

I groaned and was happy we were at Starbucks now. We walked in and Melissa almost ran to the counter, ordering her pumpkin spice latte with a glint in her eyes. God, if dating food was possible, I was sure the wedding was within half an hour.

Wait, what? Dating food? I believe my lack of sleep is already getting to me.

I was debating with myself about ordering a coffee, an ice coffee - because those things just come straight from heaven, believe me – or just a Frappuccino. Life is hard, especially when you can't make this kind of decisions. I swear, I can't make my mind up with that kind of stuff.

One time, I was standing in a super market for seriously more than half an hour, because I didn't know if I wanted to buy chocolate or cookies. I'm not even kidding. You can ask Natasha, because she was there with me. After a while she was so annoyed with me, she just threw the chocolate in my hands and pushed me towards to check out.

After contemplating a few things, I decided to order an ice coffee, because those things make me un-nessicarily happy. (A/N: Just when I was writing this, my parents came back from grocery shopping and they seriously bought me an ice coffee. Well, actually it was a cold latte macchiato, but you know, they're all so amazing!! So as I'm writing this, I'm actually enjoying my great drink. Now, you can read on if you want, I just felt like telling you lol)

Anne and Anouk both ordered a hot chocolate, because they were by far not as fond of coffee and Melissa and I were, but they can enjoy it too. We sat down and before you know it, me and Anne were convincing Melissa again of Tris liking her.

"I know you're just saying it to make me feel better, but you don't have to." She replied.

"Melis, you know we would never say these things just to get your hopes up for nothing. We're not lying, he really likes you!" I told her. We all just sipped our drinks at the same time, before she replied.

"No, he doesn't. He would never like me like that..." She frowned. We knew better, so we just decided to let it go. (A/N: I swear, if you make a comment about Frozen, I'll hunt you)

We just talked a little bit more and finished our drinks. When we walked out, Melissa began squealing suddenly. She grabbed my arm and shook it wildly. "Oh my God! Do you see that guy? He is hella cute!"

"If you'll talk like that, Tristan will never ask you out." I said to her. She pouted but shrugged her shoulders.

"It's not like he would anyway." I just ignored it and we all walked towards one of the so many shops to look for some new shoes for me, because we still didn't feel like going home.

We walked in and began searching for something. Anne suddenly yelled "Kim, come here! I think I found something!" I walked towards her and saw her holding some boots in her hands.

"Awe, you know me so well! Those are the same exact boots as I'm wearing right now! I have been looking for them for forever, because they're so comfortable and nice." I thanked her and tried them on. They fit perfectly and I was very happy. I love the boots very much, so to find the exact same ones made it less harder for me to throw my old ones away.

When shoes or clothes are really nice and they fit perfectly, I can have trouble with getting rid of them. I seriously have a bond with some things of mine, just because they're so comfortable, I just never want to take it off again.

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