chapter five - cold

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"Cameron... how are you feeling?" I quietly asked. Those eyes... inhuman but oh so perfect. Thank god her voice still sounds the same. "water" Cameron said. I let go of her cold hand and walked to the crane in the corner of the room. I filled a glass with water and walked back to Cameron. "don't move" I said. I slipped my left hand under her head and lifted it a little up, bring the glass with water with my other hand to her mouth. She took a few sips. Gently I layed her head back down and I sat down again. "what am I doing at Deaton's? what happened?" Cameron asked. Her eyes searched for mine. With those eyes she could compel me to do anything. "what can you remember?" I asked. Her hands touched the cold metal table and her eyes were closed again. "I uhm... bonfire... Allison" Cameron reminded herself. "uhm... Stiles... Crystal..." Cameron opened her eyes. "that's all?" I asked. Cameron nodded "yea... that's all". "Derek please tell me what happened and what I'm doing here" Cameron Desperately asked. I glanced at her. "maby you should sit up straight first" I softly answered.

"my body hurts a little" Cameron said. "let me help you" I replied. I walked to the other side of the metal table where her feet were. Gently I grabbed her thighs. Will she always be this cold?. Carefully I pulled her towards me until her legs hung over de table. I grabbed her right hand and pulled her up. Cameron moaned a little because of the pain. "sorry" I whispered. She rested her hands on my shoulders trying to catch her breath. The cold gave me shivers down my spine. Cameron closed her eyes as she rested her head against my chest. "Derek what the fuck..." Cameron whispered. "what is it?" I asked. "why the fuck is my hair blonde?" Cameron pulled her body away from me. Her fingers were brushing trough her hair as she was staring at it confused. "Derek this isn't funny!" Cameron's eyes looked at me in panic. "Cameron" I held her face in my hands as I tried to make eye-contact with her "Cameron listen to me... I'm going to tell you what happened but I need you to calm down" I whispered. Her lips were trembling. "tell me" she answered.

"reincarnated by a spirit from a white wolf..." Cameron repeated me after I told her only half of the story. It felt like I just told her that Santa isn't real... "how did I die?" Cameron asked. "head wound... I found you somewhere in the woods" I replied. "what the hell was I doing there?" Cameron asked. "I don't know Cameron, you tell me" I replied harshly. "I..I don't know..." Cameron replied. Her icy blue eyes started to cry. Tears rolled down her cheeck, falling down on the metal table. "do you see that.." Cameron said shocked. I looked at the teardrops that had fallen down on the table. Frozen. Her tears froze on the table. "what is happening to me... why do I look like this? Why me?" she was swallowing her tears away now, afraid to see them freeze. "I don't know why it's you Cam" I sighed. "but you have to complete a task... that's what Deaton told me... you have to help a broken one ore you die... and if you don't then your abilities will kill you" I said. "what abilities?" Cameron asked.


"you have to find out by yourself what your abilities are... and who you have to help" I replied. "but I'm going to die either way" Cameron said. She was biting her lip. She's hurt. "Cameron I'm so sorry... I wish I was there with you so all of this wouldn't have happened" I quietly said. We would have watched bad movies right now making fun of cliché parts. "if I had died at the age of 80 I would still be reincarnated... so it doesn't matter" Cameron said as she grabbed the glass of water, but before it reached her mouth... the liquid froze. "seriously... I can't fucking drink on my own anymore" Cameron whispered to herself. This is going to be a long journey... abilitie number one... she freezes a lot of stuff. "Derek take me home" she hid her face in her hands. I grabbed her hands, pulling them away from her face. "you can talk to Deaton tomorrow oke" I said to her. She nodded. I placed my right arm under her legs and with my other arm I supported her back. She curled her arms around my neck. I hate it that I have to tell her that her touches are cold to. I don't mind though. "let's go" I said.

I carried Cameron into my house and carefully layed her down at my couch. I placed a pillow under her head before I sat down next to her. Cameron crossed her arms around her chest as she was staring at her new hair again. "it's so long" she whispered. "do you like blonde?" Cameron asked. What does it matter? "blonde, brunette, black... I don't care" I replied. "but it looks good on you" I said. Cameron smiled a little. "what are you going to do...?" I asked. I knew what I was going to do as an beta, omega, alpha... but her situation is so much different. Cameron rubbed her forehead. "I don't know Derek... I don't want to think about it right now... I just want to sleep" Cameron sighed. "maby it turns out it was only a nightmare when I wake up tomorrow" she whispered. I squeezed her hand. "again... I'm sorry Cam" I said. "stop saying sorry... it's not your fault" Cameron said. "just figure out how I'm going to be able to drink something without freezing it in the meantime". "goodnight beautiful" I chuckled. "whatever asshole" Cameron laughed as she got up and disappeared in her bedroom. Shit! She doesn't know that other things besides her hair had changed to and there is a giant mirror in her room! I heard Cameron scream. Too late.

Sorry it's a little short!! please vooooote! but most importantleave a comment because I really don't know what you guys think about it and I kind off like this story a lot :) THANK YOUUU X

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