~ Chapter 15: The Wedding ~

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One Month Later

"Ashley! Ashley! Ashley! Ashley! Ashley! Ashley! Ashley! Ashley!" I groan and flip over in my large, comfy bed. Why, oh, why does Lucy have to get so hypo every day? This has been my wake-up call for the past week and I am starting to get very annoyed with the little, tiny, bouncing terror. "Come on! Get up, lazy bum! You're getting married in five hours," she exclaims excitedly while jumping on me. Luckily for me, my cast got taken off a week ago, which means that we didn't need to postpone the wedding again – thankfully. Especially since, starting tomorrow morning, I will be waking up in the arms of my beautiful husband instead of getting woken up by this annoying, little, cutie pie. "Come on, please get up!" she pleads innocently. I keep my eyes closed firmly.

"Exactly, Lucy, five hours! Now please let me sleep!" I complain. She huffs and gets off the bed. Thank Aslan!

"Ashley, time to get up!" Susan exclaims while running into my room and gently shaking me. I sigh and sit up slowly in my bed. "Yay, now we have to start getting you ready. Your hair has to be curled and put up. You have to get into your wedding dress and get your make-up done," she explains excitedly.

"Fine," I say, giving in. Both of the girls grab my hands and pull me out of the warm comfort of my bed. They throw my morning gown on me before they begin to drag me outside. I frown. Couldn't they at least wait until I'm fully awake before pulling me out into the cold hallway? They lead me down the corridor and into a spare room at the end of it.

"Now sit down and stay still," Susan commands me. I do as she says and they get to work immediately. I feel something extremely hot touch my head then and hiss at the pain. "Sorry," she apologises. I roll my eyes and spend the next few hours trying to ignore the pampering that I'm getting.

Four and a half hours later.

"Done!" Susan exclaims excitedly. I smile and stand up before I look at myself in the mirror. It's exactly how I imagined myself to look on my wedding day. I smile brightly.

My hair is down and curled into little bouncy curls. My dress is perfect! It's exactly what I had had in mind. It's plain white and has gorgeous lace sleeves. It has a white ribbon that curls around the waist and joins into a bow at the back. The bottom spreads out in true princess style. Along with the dress, I'm also wearing a diamond necklace with a matching bracelet. My make-up is lightly put on and matches my dress to a tee. For shoes I have silver flats with rows of diamonds on them. I have a simple diamond tiara on my head and a long white veil that flows down my back and along the floor with a little piece that falls in front of my face. All in all, I look nice.

"Come on, Ashley! It's time to go down," Lucy exclaims while grabbing my hand and starting to drag me out of the room like a little, puppy dog. I smile down at her. I can't believe that I'm getting married. She leads me down to a huge, golden door where I notice all my friends are standing in a line along the wall. They're all wearing light-blue dresses and linking arms with a boy. I see my little sister standing at the back of the line. She looks so adorable in her little, white, flower girl dress – as does Lucy for that matter.

"Ashley, here," Malina whispers while handing me a beautiful bouquet. It consists of blue, white, and silver flowers. It matches up with my dress perfectly.

"Thanks," I say nervously. The butterflies in my stomach are starting to do back flips. This is so crazy!

"Are you nervous?" Lucy asks me while looking up at me and tilting her little head. I take a quick glance down at her and look up immediately.

"Yes, I'm very nervous, but also very excited," I explain while staring at the double doors. It's so weird to think that the love of my life is waiting for me behind those doors. I feel an arm link with my left arm, startling me a bit. I look to my left and notice that Oreius is standing next to me. He's wearing a long-sleeved, tuxedo top.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The King and The ServantTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon