~ Chapter 7: Keep You Two A Secret ~

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"I need to tell you something."

"Should we sit down for this?"

"Probably." He walks us carefully over to the new lounge before placing me down on one side of it. He then continues to fall down onto the other side before stretching his arms up above him and draping one over the head of the couch. He angles his body slightly so he's facing me before gesturing for me to continue. I curl up in my corner before starting. "Peter...my parents both...died...when Bella was two. They were protecting us...from the White Witch and she...killed them with her...knife."

"They didn't stand a chance...against her. I promised my mum and dad that if anything ever happened to them, that...that I would raise Bella and keep her safe. That's why I'm working so hard. That's why this job is so important to me. It's also why I need us to keep our relationship private. I can't afford to be fired!" I explain slowly, trying to fight the waterworks that are gathering in my eyelids. A few escape though and I'm absolutely certain Peter floats over to me. I've enveloped in his arms within seconds.

"Ashley, I'm really sorry about bringing it up. I didn't know," he apologises. I look up at his face then. The first thing I see are his deep, blue eyes staring at me. They hold nothing, but love and compassion. I smile weakly.

"I know. You don't have to apologise though," I tell him reassuringly. He plants his lips on the top of my head before pulling me into him, his chin now resting on my hair.

"I know and I promise, Ash, that if you get fired over this, I'm going to let you and Bella move in with me immediately. I will never let you go without food and stuff like that just because you can't afford it," he tells me. Go away tears! I don't have time for you. He cares so much for me; yet, we've known each other for only a year. I know now that I'm in love with him. There is no doubt in the back of my mind about it. We sit here just holding each other for what feels like an eternity until the vague sound of owls hooting pulls us back to reality. I look up at the new, golden sundial and sigh. Ten pm.

"I have to get home to Bella. It's late," I tell him while standing up and stretching my weak limbs. He nods and stands up himself as he runs one of his hands through his messy hair.

"That's probably not a bad idea. I'm sure your little sister is missing you," he tells me as he picks up his crown off the table. I never even saw him put it down.

"She's used to being alone at home now. Usually, she'll just go and visit her friends for the day," I explain while walking over to the staircase.

"Oh well, I guess that's fair enough."

"I have to go. I lo – I'll see you tomorrow." That was close. I give him a very quick peck on the cheek before making my escape down the staircase. I can't believe I almost just told him that I love him. The stables are pitch black when I enter them, the torches having all been blown out by the heavy wind. I pull open Crystals stable before jumping up onto her back. Her fur is ice cold.

"About time you got here. I'm freezing my backside off," she whines.

"I'm so sorry, Crystal. I was talking to the High King and lost track of time. Now come on; lets go home," I say. The town is eerily quiet and deserted. There are a few owls and fruit bats flying around as well, just to add to the spookiness. We ride through the gates slowly before we pick up speed and enter the dark forest. The freezing, cold wind is blowing on my face as I ride next to the Great River. I'm certain there are drops of rain in there aswell.

We reach the cottage quickly and ride on to the back stable. I jump down off Crystal and lock her up in her stable for the night. Something doesn't seem quite right as I walk towards the front door and get out the key to unlock it. I open it slowly. Everything is just as I had left it this morning. Thank Aslan for that!

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